Monday, December 20, 2010

Nightmare Campus 2 Streaming

14: happy holidays to all educational innovation placed

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Welcome Address Samples

Resolution 020 of 1951
regulates Articles 349 and 359 of the Labor Code.

Resolution No. 02413 of May 22, 1979
health and safety regulation for the construction industry , whose contents are: Overview of Construction, Allied Health & Medical Aspects, Enabling Occupational Program Organization Occupational Health Obligations of workers, temporary camps, of the excavations, scaffolding, measures to reduce height of free fall, Stairs, demolition and removal of debris, protection for the public sidewalks, Explosives Security measures, Burns, vibration, noise, heavy machinery, hand tools, ergonomics in construction, the Joint Committee on Health and Safety, Personal Protective Equipment Seat Belts, Hardware, Safety Helmets, Other Items Personal Protection: General Work Gloves, Safety Boots, First Aid, the worker under construction and Sanctions.

Resolution No. 02400 of May 22, 1979
Rules on housing, health and safety at work establishments. This resolution contains the following headings or sections: General Provisions, Scope, Obligations of Employers, Workers Obligations, Of the buildings for facilities, buildings and local Health Services, permanent services, hygiene in the workplace. Housekeeping, waste disposal or waste, from the camps of the workers, general rules on risk establishments of Operation: temperature, humidity and heating, ventilation, lighting, noise and vibration, radiation ionizing non-ionizing radiation: ultraviolet, infrared and radio frequency, electro, Alternative, Continuous and static, maximum allowable concentrations, Environmental Pollution From Infectious and Toxic Substances, of the flammable substances and explosives, work clothes - and protective equipment, clothing for work, equipment and protective gear, De safety colors, color coding, De la preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing fires, fire suppression, explosives, the handling of explosives, transport of explosives, premises for Polvorines, of the drills and blasting Machine Equipment and Devices-General, In the Machine Tools and Industrial Machinery, equipment, tanks and storage vessels, pipes and conduits, tools In general, Hand Tools, Power Tools Motor, handling and transportation of materials, manual handling and transportation of materials, Mechanical Handling and Transportation of Supplies, Industrial Facility and Process Operations, generators steam, vessels and pipes under pressure, cylinders for compressed gas, furnaces and dryers, electric welding and brazing
metal cutting, the work in compressed air, paint work pressure , Construction, demolition and removal of rubble, excavations, scaffolding and ladders, tunnels and underground work, Quarrying and crushing, The Work of Women and Children, Final Provisions. Resolution

08,321 of August 4, 1983
protection and hearing conservation, health and welfare of people

Resolution 132 of January 18, 1984
rules on reporting accidents at work. Resolution

02,013 of June 6, 1986
Regulation for the organization and functioning of committees, medicine, industrial hygiene and safety in workplaces. Resolution

01,016 of March 31, 1989
laws of organization, operation and form of occupational health programs. Resolution

October 1989 13 824
health protection measures

Resolution 001 792 of May 3, 1990
permissible limits for occupational exposure to noise. Resolution

09,013 of July 12, 1990
Policies and procedures related to the functioning and operation of equipment and other X-ray emitting ionizing radiation. Resolution 006 398

of December 20, 1991
Procedure for occupational health.

Resolution 1075 March 24, 1992
Activities occupational health.

Resolution 2284 of April 14, 1994
By which is delegated and regulates the licensing of occupational health for individuals and corporations, and monitoring and surveillance by the local directorates and health. Resolution 003 465

of 5 October 1994 Integra
Disability Qualification Boards.

Resolution 3716 of November 1994
By which establishes a procedure for conducting occupational medical examination pre pregnancy.

Resolution 3941 November 24, 1994
for which practice is prohibited pregnancy test as a prerequisite for women to access employment. Resolution 4050

December 6, 1994
regulates the entrance exam.

Resolution 1602 May 18, 1995
models claim to victims of catastrophic events.

Resolution 2328 of July 15, 1996
and regulations is delegated the licensing of occupational health. Official Journal

42,841 Resolution 3997 of October 30, 1996
establish activities and procedures for developing promotion and prevention in the SHSS.

Resolution 4445 of 1996
issuing rules for sanitation of hospitals and the like.

Resolution 741 of March 14, 1997
instructions are given personal safety of users for institutions and other providers of health services.

Resolution 9467 July 26, 1997 partially suspending implementation of Resolution 3369, 14/03/1991 on the packaging of drinking water.

Resolution 4252 November 12, 1997
Standards, scientific and administrative arrangements for essential requirements. Resolution

1830 June 26, 1999
coding is adopted only in health sciences, occupational, economic activities and essential drugs.

Resolution 1995 July 8, 1999 They set standards for handling medical history.

Resolution 2387 of August 12, 1999
formalized the NTC 512-1, on labeling food industries.

Resolution 2569 of September 1, 1999 Qualification Process
health events in the first instance.

Resolution 2569 of September 1, 1999
, regulating the process of qualifying events in the first instance, in the SHSS. DO 43705.

Resolution 412 of February 1, 2000
activities and procedures are established and induced demand compulsory

Resolution 1078 May 2, 2000
412/2000 is amended resolution on prevention and promotion rules.

Resolution 1745 of June 30, 2000
Amendment stipulated in article 20 of Resolution 412/2000.
Resolution 2333 of September 11, 2000 which was adopted by the First Update of the Single Procedure Classification in Health. Official Journal, No. 44184.

resolution 3384 of December 29, 2000
By which partially amending Resolutions 412 and 1745 of 2000 and repealing resolution 1078 of 2000.

Resolution 1895 January 19, 2001
Adopts the International Statistical Classification of Diseases ICD-10 revision. DO 44673.

Resolution 1592 of September 2001
Authorizes the use of pesticides.

Resolution 1192 of December 20, 2001 Eliminates the requirement of some official Colombian technical standards mandatory.

Resolution 1875 of 2001 which is created for the subsystem of Occupational Health Information and Irrigation professionals.

Resolution 166, January 1, 2002 is set on health in the world of work. Official Gazette 44526.

Resolution 730 of July 7, 2002 extending the compliance date coding, international classification of diseases, Resolution 1895/2001. DO 44845.

Resolution 890 of July 10, 2002 Held provisions on the membership information the SHSS. Includes technical annexes.

Resolution 1896 of January 12, 2002
Replaced classification procedures provided for in resolution 2333 / 2000.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stomach Ulcercondition_symptoms

pill 13: PISA 2009, the educational Eurovision

Today is the international PISA thorough and rigorous that there is to evaluate the performance of a much of the school population worldwide. The PISA study can achieve wide range of information and analyze the results linking academic factors, socioeconomic, family and institutional. However, only two things seem to have been made clear by squeezing the last week of educational debates that have flooded the public. First, the education of emerging Asian countries and the "archicampeona" Finnish school are the best in the world and second half of the fifteen-year English students do not understand what they read. Is not it a somewhat poor for a study of such magnitude and perspective?
Despite all the attempts that have been squandered English experts determined, to remind us that comparisons are useless when the contexts and societies, including the specific environment of each center are quite different, the force of public opinion remains "erre que erre" comparing and comparing. Perhaps, to everyone's surprise, the little they have in common the students tested by PISA 2006 in Finland and Spain, regardless of age, the number of hours spent in school and on Tuesday night, the favorite program of adolescents is series "Los Serrano" , family successfully exported "English."
Are these lines an attack on the consistency of research in the humanities? No, far from it as well, on the contrary, is a defense. To ensure the reliability of international comparisons, PISA determines the population to be evaluated framing it with the age of the students, ie, with reference to 15 years for all participants, a variable outside the education system. The years of its participants is the variable that allows comparisons between the results obtained. The remaining variables such as school hours, the autonomy of schools or the number of hours of teacher training, for example, are given by the system every country. That is, are a benchmark on which to blame or congratulate when comparing students of the same age the results are different.
PISA data are endowed with an important educational value in the daily work of our schools and for the reflection of the education system. However, numbers out of context, framed in comparative scales and scoring rankings have enhanced a sense of distrust of the English educational system and its educators. We can still learn a lot about the education of our European neighbors, as much as they need us. The fever of the numbers has undertaken with those responsible for education and these, cornered in his office have taken to the streets to hunt for scapegoats: families, parents, resources, organization of schools, percentage of GDP spent on education, lack of training ... While it is fair to remember that, from time to time, organizations and institutions responsible for education in Spain should do an exercise of conscience we have yet to meet the teacher who was helpful to know that Spain has obtained the post 42, or was it 53?, or perhaps it was the 36 ... in PISA 2009. And in the end, "what do all these numbers mean?" been asked on more than one occasion many classmates. It seems that besides the numbers, we need to interpret its meaning. That is the true consistency of research in the humanities.
Congratulations on how well we are already doing
PISA has been especially profound in their study for the analysis of problems related to equity, understood as equality of opportunity in education, and distinguishing the relative variables the socioeconomic heterogeneity within each center, the variables related to socio-economic segregation of the social organization itself. This has allowed accurate differentiation assess the extent to which education systems moderate or reinforce socio-economic factors. For example, in countries like Japan, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria or Germany schooled diversified education systems following different training routes and in this way, students with better results are grouped with students of better results and (what a surprise! ) they show a marked tendency to act in social contexts favored above their average countries. On the other hand, students start school with poor results following different routes and, in turn, come from disadvantaged social backgrounds. In Spain, the effect of socioeconomic status decreases with our comprehensive model. Thus, in our country are not so related the income of the family with the academic performance of students. Today, the challenge is to remain a fair system that improves the performance of all students. Although the media have not echoed these data, there are also reasons to boast of educators and the English educational system.
First, and in relation to autonomy of our sites, Spain is one of the most ambitious countries shown. Innovate, renew the school policy, we take forward plans for evaluation, new models of foreign language learning, methodology, websites and resource banks, new investment for information technology and communications ... Our result in this area is also gold. Congratulations to all those professionals of education, from the classroom, combining his teaching with research. In the words of Martin Marchesi and quality of education in changing times (2001): "the teacher researcher from the reality of his own center makes an effort of creativity, imagination and critical sensibility ". Teaching and research is to generate enthusiasm and confidence in education.
Second, we live in a complicated teachable moment, as it is necessary to combine the great challenges of the future, with the slabs that we carry from the past: high school dropout rate (about 33% of our students do not complete compulsory education) and a low reading skills. Burdens of the past relate to future opportunities may be necessary educational revolution in the present.
Third, we can be pleased by the legislation and efforts of our teachers for the school for all classes open to all students in the world, banishing the topics and concepts of "normality" and brutalize labeled natural and inherent diversity of mankind. Reminiscent of that we can do better, again, congratulations.

Although we must also bow my head and hear the anger
The worst results and we know: our students do not understand what they read. But what we read?, "We read in Spain? "Woman, young, college-educated, living in a big city and read, especially novel . So called the press January 3, the English reader profile reflecting the balance sheet data Development Plan Reading between 2004 and 2007. Students who have obtained the worst results in reading are not able to integrate various parts of a text to identify the main idea, understand a relationship, or to establish the meaning and the relationship between several sentences of text.
It is vital to organize the new educational measures and plans for schools to enhance reading skills of our students. They are, therefore, essential to the life of our facilities: the libraries in classrooms and schools with their plans and outreach activities, dedication to reading in school and outside it, the organization of measures to raise motivation and the desire to read in the early stages, the literary workshops and reading activities throughout the compulsory education stage, reading and indispensable participation of parents in the whole process with joint reading activities parents and children, empowerment of reading all kinds of texts (discursive, argumentative, expository, conversational, informative, literary, propaganda ...) in all areas and the explicit teaching of reading relevant procedures. Let these changes come true with this small assembly from the campaign Read this fashion and media textbook Digital Text.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gay Cruisy Locations In Nyc


is the set of public and private entities, standards and procedures designed to prevent, protect and care workers from the effects of diseases and accidents that may happen during or as a result of the work performed.
General System of Occupational Hazards it up:

- The ARP'S, ie, the Professional Risk Managers of public and private.
- Employers and workers
- The institutions responsible for control and monitoring system as the Ministry of Social Protection.

Responsibility System Professional Risk is shared between the company, the ARP and the worker.

- The company joins all its employees to the system and develops prevention programs.

- The ARP advises the company on prevention programs and serving workers who are injured or become ill for reasons of their own work.

- The employee abides by the rules of safety and security of the company and use their personal protective equipment.

Every company must be affiliated to one Professional Risk Management where the employer define what PRA cover occupational hazards of your business. Also, full payment of the levy is paid by the employer and according to their risk class.

Coverage in occupational hazards, starts the day after the affiliation of workers by the company to the ARP. It is necessary that the worker is affiliated to the Professional Risk Manager before beginning work in the company.

General Membership of the Professional Risk System is mandatory for all employed workers in the country, both public and private.

The ARP's, are responsible for:
- The collection of contributions made by companies for their workers.
- Counseling prevention programs to be held in the company.
- Health care workers who are injured or sick for reasons of their own work.
- Payment of cash benefits such as disability, invalidity pensions and survivors that may arise as a result of accidents or illnesses.

main function has a PRA is working with the company to identify and control risks in the workplace, in order to avoid the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases.

Besides counseling, the ARP's offer training programs for different audiences company on issues related to the prevention of risks and improving the quality of life at work.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby Congratulations Wordings

pill 12 : 12 principles for improving teacher training

1. promote lifelong learning is a more comprehensive intervention programs or specific activities. Requires a combination of formal and informal processes across all stages and educational contexts through each worker.
2. To carry out a true lifelong process of learning is necessary to build our own professional portfolio and experiential learning where to overturn the principle, the path and career development of our careers as educators. Our interests and motivations, as well as our personal relationships are key to the educational goals that we plan and deliver.
3. The creation of a portfolio and monitoring of a process of ongoing and planned training time allows us to evaluate and enhance the educational quality of our own training, adapting the teaching program to the needs of our center and evaluating the action itself trainers to continue with those who deserve it and avoid wasting time on issues that dominate or are well understood in the initial or last.
4. At the same time education must promote teamwork among teachers, promoting emotional cohesion of the faculty and participating in a joint monitoring and evaluation of teacher professional development.
5. supervision is appropriate that this comes to the foot of classroom educators and trainers have opportunities to reflect on the field evolved from the training, with interviews and processes of coaching embedded in the reality of the day day in the educational process.
6. Continuing education is not being then, anecdotal, but constant, can occupy a space in the workday for teachers, devoting his time work self-reflection and portfolio and update contact and interviews with trainers.
7. Similarly, continuing education is not a sporadic and capricious process but is related to reality and needs of the school and faculty and is attached as a schedule with respect;
8. that also allows for a valid certification recognized not only by ministries of education, but by other educational institutions such as universities and training centers.
9. This model of lifelong personal and embedded in dialogue with the faculty and the center allows you to set goals, evaluate and report of accounts: those responsible for formulating policies should ensure that school leaders have to establish criteria strategic direction and improve its ability to design school curricula. Quality lifelong learning enables the distribution of educational leadership at the center.
10. This address synergies, so that training plans must develop structures that allow educators to share the efforts and investment to maximize the performance that surpasses the boundaries of each site separately by creating networks that share resources, also human.
11. An extensive body of knowledge supported by practice has enabled the OECD to identify the content, design and methods of effective training programs ( in ) It points to the following key factors: coherence of curriculum, experience in real contexts, coaching, training, mutual learning and structures for collaborative efforts between the program and schools.
12. Finally, linking the salary to training and teaching portfolio allows for different scales of compensation and thus, attract more candidates for the leadership and the creation of innovative working groups in the field of education.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lev Tahor 2 Asher Baraguitar Chords

Pill 11: Is there a generation?

entered to class each morning and we are young we do not know. They are in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood and we know at they're going through the end of the day we too have experienced those moments! However, what has not changed anything?
In 300 BC Aristotle wrote " Young people have strong passions and often meet them indiscriminately. Of the bodily desires, the sexual is the most in snatches and that shows lack of self control. They are changeable and fickle in their desires, which are violent while they last, but they pass quickly (...). They think they know everything and are very sure about it, this is indeed the reason for everything they do in excess. If harm to others is because they want to lower it ... love the fun (...). " Today, a tabloid had been less violent. What do you think what Shakespeare wrote in 1609 in A Winter's Tale? : "I wish that there was aged between ten and twenty, or that young people spend this time sleeping, because it serves no other purpose than to embarrass the girls, offending the elderly, stealing and fighting."
As discussed in our fourth pill pedagogy, are children of our parents and our generation. There are evolutionary development characteristic of human beings that are common to all such as creating an identity in adolescence or midlife crisis, and yet each generation adds to the list of stages its own peculiarities. Evolutionary psychology, in charge of studying human development lists four main sources to argue how we are: first, our genetics and our personality, its own set of traits that define us as people physically and psychologically and that we provide consistency behavior and reactions by different contexts and, secondly, and recognized characteristics of each evolutionary stage in question as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, bereavement or the road to death, for example, third, the attributes of society where we developed in constant interaction and fourth, the ontological characteristics, ie, those corresponding to each generation or gender groups. We can not blame or judge young people by default or by searching for an identity, like not blame the elderly for their serenity, these features are specific to each developmental stage. Making judgments about the peculiarities of the youth of today should strive to distinguish between the first two sources and the last two and argue our discourse focusing especially our attention in the past.
This video is a gem not to be missed, courtesy of my colleague 2.0 Bento Oliveira all live with young professional should not miss. Have fun!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Generator


means that there is a chemical hazard if the health of workers can be harmed by the toxicity of certain elements of the environment.
The lack of information together with the absence of precise knowledge of the intrinsic properties of each chemical and exposure resulting from a particular use significantly complicate the prevention of workers exposed to risks caused by the presence of these posts products work.
Toxicity is the ability of some substances to cause damage to living organisms, when they have a low chance of producing serious injury, is known harmful substances, and when the chance is high and the damage is severe substance known as toxic.

There are a variety of noxious and toxic as

Irritants: produce inflammation of the mucosa. Sulfuric acid, nitric acid

Asphyxiants : Prevents the arrival of oxygen to the tissues, preventing the oxidation of cells.

Hydrogen , nitrogen, carbon monoxide and Narcotics

: central nervous system depressants that induce drowsiness and loss of reflexes and knowledge. Ketones, alcohols. Lung

: They cause respiratory failure due to accumulation in the lungs. Plaster, marble and cellulose, characteristic of mines, quarries,

Carcinogens. Enhance the formation of cancers. Soot, tar and pitch, proper cleaning industry, chimney sweeping and repair ...

Mutagens: alters the genetic material cells. Mercury, lead ye ethylene oxide, used in pharmacy, production of car batteries,

Teratogens: produce alterations in the fetus during uterine development. Alcohol, drugs and drug ...

Systemic: provoke specific effects on vital organs, away from the entrance ways, such as hydrocarbons, which affect the liver and kidneys, and mercury and alcohol affects the nervous system.

industrial hygiene is a specific technique to prevent the chemical risk. Takes into account several factors: Replace
whenever possible for harmful substances harmless. Isolate
the poison to keep in contact with workers.
where possible Reduce the number of staff likely to be affected. Decrease
the lowest concentrations either by dilution or extraction. Join
staff knowledge of the characteristics of substances. Explain
workers for any damages that may occur. Keep
and effective daily hygiene of workers exposed. Limit
toxic dose absorbed by the worker / a.
Use personal protective equipment is always special when collective protection are not suitable. _________

Fte.: Rincondelvago.

Cover Letter For Dentist

pill 10: emotion and authority in the classroom

Until the mid-seventies, the voices of scientists about the world of emotions came together against the dictates innate Charles Darwin. The biologist sailor could tell in the study of animal species like many other behaviors, facial expression of emotions was, somehow, by default. The human sciences jumped on the bandwagon of the interaction with the environment and look for ways to refute the hypothesis Darwin. Thus, Wallace Friesen and Paul Ekman decided to show people of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the United States face images differ in their constitution (age, sex, race, nationality ...) which expressed a diverse cast of emotional states . The conclusion was the reason the old, Charles Fox, all participants were right with expertise in the emotional reading of those photos. Amazed with the results, both researchers thought the big match in the face and emotion identification was due perhaps to the beginning of globalization or "holliwoodización." Thus, they decided to expand the spectrum of participants subjects of Japan, New Guinea and Borneo, to a lesser extent westernized societies. "There are emotions expressed by other means to force" the scientists think. The results were less surprising, the new group of subjects agreed with the previous group of six emotions that were recognized with ease. Again, delighted with the discovery, though cautious and somewhat stubborn, Friesen and Ekman did not dare to make big assumptions as would the effect of culture was still too obvious. What to do? Without thinking twice, the researchers looked for human beings who have the least possible contact with the world as we know it and thus penetrated into the mountains of New Guinea to meet the tribe "Fore." The children of this tribe of Papua had not ever seen a movie, or had crossed the psychological threshold of its forests, spoke their own language (rather rudimentary, of course) and lived completely overturned in the structure, rules and traditions of their tribe. Guess the surprised faces of researchers and translators when those young Indians recognized the same six emotional states that citizens of Japan, the United States or Chile? Surely the act of Ekman and Friesen well deserved a photo. The result could not be more conclusive scientific community International: There is a strong correlation between emotional states most important of human psychology and facial expressions, gestures and the genesis of these feelings are universal and not culturally apprehended. In the range of six universal basic emotions is fear.

all feel fear and we can recognize the fear in their eyes and faces of other human beings. This morning without going any further, I was afraid before the news and opened the door, I breathed fear into the gesture of my neighbor and further, to stumble. The face that would put you and me to a horror movie, would be easily recognizable by any elder or child of the tribe "Fore" should not hesitate a single moment. The fear is born with us for a reason, the alarm, warning and serve as subjective experience, which defense and control signal for any danger that threatens us. As children we are allowed to have fears and sometimes, we harnessed by men of the case or accidents that occur suddenly when we do something that is out of the norm, no parent wants a son John "Sienmiedo." Socialize in fear from very early stages, a child up to the year and a half can play under the tusk a large anaconda, only feel fear when they perceive the cries and panic in the adult is looking, then cry and learn fear.
Fears are then necessary part of our society. We can fear a lion, catapults, electric light, the breaking of the atom and the future of civilization as well as birds, sharp objects, small spaces or teenagers, violence or aggression physical. When fear buried in the tangle of our emotions and mix with perceptions, experiences and thoughts can live dormant and grow to expand under the guise of the mask of anguish. The memory, the logic of the cognitive and physiological reactions are mixed in a shaker offering a mix of fear that resides within us and us drunk. This is when the lion, the catapult or the bird as defined objects, channel our fears of death, the mysterious, the darkness, to which no name ... and when no bird or lion can channel our fear in the other, the different, the new or the eccentric why not? They are the modern and classic container deposits of our fears.
Fleeing our fears without being confronted with them and refusing to understand its true meaning or form, paves the way for that anything and anyone could be considered "stations" of fear and what we do when something makes us afraid? We protect both attacking and defensively. For that is what it is for fear, to protect against sharp objects or violence, but how do we protect ourselves when we think the fear stems from the future, progress, or other youth offending?
If children have intense fears and come with their parents to consult a specialist, sometimes when you are not even able to name what scares them is asked to draw a monster, the monster with fear: the octopus dark, mr. death, the devil's shadow, the doctor of the virus ... The monster drawn be stored in a locked box within a locked drawer and in a locked cabinet. The child finds that each of these locks is well lock and then stays in power with the keys. We speak with him, now safe from the monster that is locked, it builds a protective talisman that can be posted at any time and the child explained that because of this talisman is safe. Then begins the training and maturing to teach face his fear, the monster gradually closer and farther and farther talisman. Adults know that the monster drawn is not the true face of fear and that the talisman is just an excuse to learn and grow.
I think it's great to offer the degree of public authority to teachers to the extent that it serves to prevent aggression as awful as some events, but I remember that this is just an eminently legal and criminal action and for all, a measure education. That is, only punishes and protects, but attention, not fix or education does not teach, only contains. We believe a new guise as a shield law for teachers, write it in large letters and give it out in all the media hype, Talismans are just talismans. Our fears and our students and their parents will not go away without any training and educational measures. The punishment, law and the prison should be levers processors, otherwise multiply the time the conduct for which they operated.
We are programmed to have and acknowledge the fear but only if we teach social skills, communication and ethics to cope with it we can live with ourselves and with others. This is the only hope for that future attacks will not occur as the start of this year. The authority may be charged as a talisman on paper, respect and personal growth of our students. The degree of authority is a talisman that helps us to gradually we come to understand our fears. Those most fearful can also lead a star of "sheriff" hung on the lapel, the authority is not learned, what they learn is respect. A platform and not taught to respect law, which is the real answer is expected to offer that has authority. Fear and talismans without trying to understand, grow and learn to teach submission produce, superstition and slavery. Only educational measures ensure that we teach respect, duty and obligation. If the law granting authority serving teachers to improve education and contribute to our development and our students, their first article should offer educational channels to promote their future demise, just as in any revolution, the general who takes the controls of the government should convene a democracy or it will become a regime of fear. Accept the proposed new authority for what it truly is: a talisman of initiation.
Fear is a universal emotion, if we cultivate respect for the authority will take more than laws, talismans, will need to teach to recognize, handle, cope, communicate and grow with our emotions, they will accompany us throughout life and may then, in this way, the children of today are not violent parents of tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

C.j. Barrymore's Coupons


biohazard means exposure to live agents
able to provoke any infection, but can also cause allergy or toxicity
The infectious diseases caused by
penetration of microbes in the body or germs (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi


Transmission from person to person : medical personnel, security personnel, civil protection
, teachers, nursing homes, shelters, prisons,
Personal, etc.
animal to human transmission (zoonosis): veterinarians, livestock
dairies, slaughterhouses, etc.
Transmission via contaminated objects or materials : janitors, sanitation
groups, farmers, cooks, miners, industries
Wool, hides and leather, etc..


The prevention and control measures must be tailored in each case to
type of germ, the source of infection and mode of transmission of the disease
question. However,
can make some general recommendations for all jobs with risk of disease

Preventing the proliferation of germs
- Veterinary control animals.
- Health control skins, wool, hair, etc.
- Fumigation and pest control.
- Disinfection and Sterilization contaminated products.
- Designing workplaces more likely to
avoid accumulation of dirt.
- Cleaning and disinfection of work rooms, toilets, showers and Toilets

Avoid exposure - Reduce the number of exposed workers.
- Techniques and working methods that prevent direct contact with contaminated material
- Use of scrap material.
- suction or forced air to remove dust.
- Plans and emergency action guidelines.
- Transportation and safe storage.
- adequate signage and access restriction.

Personal protection - Training and information workers.
- Cleaning and disinfection of clothes and utensils.
- Personal Hygiene.
- Use of antiseptic soaps, especially in wounds.
- Personal protection: clothing, gloves, masks.
- Vaccination is effective when applicable.
- Prohibition of eating, drinking, smoking or applying cosmetics in
risk sites.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Off White Das Wolf Comic

pill 9: OneLaptopPerOneChild in Madrid with Negroponte

walls, cracked by time and serve as floods classroom. A large group of children armoring an adult, the course professor, turn their heads on a small green computer the center of the class. There are many hands on the laptop, one upon another, that each could carry a single key. There are no desks, burned last winter. The white board is so clear it, anyway there is no budget to chalk ... there is one, the teacher, for special occasions. No books or folios are sighted within a radius of fifty miles and more like a pencil that roams the area, is a sacred elephant ivory. "The greatest social leveler in the world is a keyboard," said Nicholas Negroponte, pointing to a picture of a school in India showing the revolution OneLaptopPerChild involved in their program, "knows no gender, race or social status and opens the world to all alike. "

I ask Google and discover that from the hub of Madrid, I sit more than 10,000 km away from the classroom. There, in the second row enjoy listening to Negroponte in a new Day of Global Education Forum . The cracked walls just look at this post-modern meeting room, but while here they like, there impoverished. Despite the paradoxical imitation to wear and use "vintage" as opposed to the projected image, I feel comfortable. It will therefore Nieves Segovia commented at the opening of the event: "the garages have always been places boiling and innovation." Perhaps the current rise in narrow parking spaces have something to do with school failure is a possible topic for "Ig Nobel" ...
Photos Uruguay, Colombia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Gaza ... pass before our eyes, all magnified on a bright nine-screen window. Screens are windows to the world. Judging by the environment in each of these schools Negroponte laptops that aliens have landed pilgrims. It is not just that they are green, but the contrast of resources around them tends to become so powerful that it becomes invisible to viewers. The Eduardo Gurb Mendoza would have been as Mars or more, than any of these children to receive the computer in your hands. In our room, the only child spectator smiles in your cart. It is a "fanboy" of the GEF, for when you are fourteen, the computer that you talked about today will seem a relic. Negroponte announces it loudly and clearly, the following are the tablets ... and pictures of its next prototype thin, which slate pocket, fill the screen. This board will not need chalk or elephant ivory. "Why should we make a laptop out like a book if you could think the opposite. And we set out to design a book that was a laptop. "
"The isolation coupled with poverty is the final trigger for the abandonment of the people and country and ..." Before the translator has time to state the full sentence, Negroponte launches green laptop on the floor. Irresistible, indestructible, unrepeatable. Has achieved a new record in free throw Laptop, these computers are really tough. "A few years ago at another conference, I challenged a famous brand of portable designers to launch his own as I did with ours ... they did not dare." The same brand, starting with Micro and finishes with soft, is one of the biggest hurdles is finding the project for distribution in the world. These and many others. Give a computer to give it up ... but full of free and open software and is much harder ... the cat collar.
Because ultimately OneLaptopPerChild is not a program to supply computers to the Third World is a project of windows, light, cooperation, exchange of work in the classroom and changing the world, beginning with those most in need. Meanwhile in Madrid, we enjoyed with Negroponte, OneLaptop and someone had brought the OneChild.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Customizing Bmx Games

pill 8: learning with images or words? visual intelligence pill

We are at a historic moment where it seems that the advent of computers will have a direct impact on the school supplies that we use regularly. For many years, the textbook has been the most inexpensive and portable device to transmit information as efficiently as possible. However, his reign seems to be in decline by the arrival of computers in our homes, jobs and schools .... In reality how many possibilities offered by the computer as a new container of information? Qwiki is a new method of presenting information that is being developed in the audiovisual market and that will have direct repercussion on the management of information in a short time.

Qwiki at TechCrunch Disrupt from Qwiki on Vimeo .

In a world where information is each time in more accessible places, and always available on the Internet, the bandwidth of which have increased considerably. But what about the "bandwidth" of people?, Can grow, how?. If you have access to much information, we need tools to handle it. Learn with the intervention of José Antonio Marina always successful, courtesy of . "Learning with pictures or words? Finally, the word, always the word.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thanks Section Wedding Program Wording

7: opening the school to

Throughout the course I've found and I'm still feeling, schools ready to begin training processes to innovate and create different types of projects and activities with their teachers. However, the debate about why work in a way and not another, why choose this style of organization and not another or why choose this direction of change and innovation and not the contrary, are difficult to handle discussions and sometimes endless. How these cloisters give a window to the world from which they can look out and get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat goes around, reflect together and know what is the appropriate direction of change and contemporary when they live?
In this air of inspiration and I launched training need to arrange a first meeting in search of this window to project how what happens outside of school, we are sending messages and codes very direct about what and how to teach and organize inside, I talked about this in our first pill education ... How know the cables sociological, education or learning, which appear daily in our world and challenge us to keep the work we are doing successfully, to take new forms or reshape other, how he left it to show them who are involved in the trip and look and feel with their own style to change the world and therefore, the necessary transformation of the school? I am inclined to use the screen as a large window to the world and 16 videos as a means of transport. To add more excitement to the activity, the first few minutes of video introduction to the last congress of Being Creative, offers me a unique opening. 4 groups of 4, 4 videos for each group, 16 videos in total to open to the world, 21 minutes to create and recreate in each window that opens.

And so it was running the session, with videos that I will be shelling as an educational pills in successive innings. The activity worked and continue to work with it, creating frames, windows and video screens opening the school to the world.

Open publication - Free publishing - More plans

Monday, October 25, 2010

Herpes More Condition_symptoms On Face, In Mouth

pill 6: learning to learn with David Perkins

opens door classroom and the teacher comes up with a big tub of water balloons. The balloons dancing to the beat of swing that makes his hip and right arm that carries the weight, which laundress mathematics. On the other hand, woven into the elbow of his left arm and making ends meet with the head, a ladder is subjected to harsh penalties, drawing an eccentric profile, if possible, of what is expected of a math teacher to begin a class. ..

"Today we will work with linear equations ..." he says without shame, without embarrassment, as if that was submitted with a basin provided by the concierge, thirty-two water balloons in various colors and staircase decorated with spots of paint hundreds of variations of white, have a minimum common denominator with your ad content to the class that will take place. They are, without doubt, raw situations, say the nerd, never even crossed despite tending to infinity, but wrong ... How that teacher discovered a possible link between water balloons and a staircase, on the one hand, and acceleration, gravity and the basics of linear equations, the other is a paradox worthy of a "eureka" more loud and clear that Newton's apple.

That kind of math in the yard went half and half in the classroom. While a student standing on the staircase, threw a water balloon at a given height, others took careful note of the time it took to collide against the ground, to the astonishment of science learners, dotted with pleasure to participate actively in their learning . It measures the weight of each balloon, the distance and time, and practiced different sets of variations in the height of the stairs going up and down stairs. Is a class of about twenty students and everyone should take note of all, the results must come to understand the theoretical foundations of linear equations, the secret is in the balloons, and in practice, and experience, and in connection with reality, and the significance of the process, and in the vicinity of the experience and originality of approach, and the relationship of the question put to practice ... and drops that dot the notebooks, although they evaporate in seconds under the midmorning sun, splashing in dry evergreen live, memory of students in math this experience unique. This is how a class goes exemplary video presented at the conference by Professor David Perkins, which I attended last Friday, October 22.

Dr. Perkins is a professor at Harvard University in the Faculty of Education and has been co-director of Project Zero, Howard Gardner, best known for his redefinition of concept of intelligence through multiple intelligences model, discussed later. David is studying, among other lines, how humans learn and how to fostering critical thinking and understanding in learning. He currently heads the training website / wide / is. Among his notable publications include: The intelligent school The Archimedes bath and, most recently even in print for the English edition full Learning: seven principles of learning to transform education . In private he is a man nearby, who speaks some English and has a large diverse and creative career.

The concept of "Full learning" is a visionary idea on methodology, on deep thinking and understanding in the teaching-learning process. One of the reasons contributing to failure in the education of our students is to foster a very shallow learning process, we give the opportunity to offer deep approaches, defined as lasting learning experiences over time, supplies, connected with reality and enough to solve similar problems in fuzzy or disparate contexts. It has expanded the popular conception that more content means more depth and that only with large amounts of information, can be reached waking cognitive processes understanding. Thus, the classes have become routine, with the constant presentation of information and content based on the false belief that the more memory, greater capacity for understanding. Nothing could be farther from reality. Foster the presentation of content without offering ways of thinking to process is what has generated the process of education superficiality, depth in thinking and understanding not contribute content, but the routes and cognitive skills of learning competition to learn, which offer a guide to delve into the details.

information for the information, both on screen and in the master class, no processing and cognitive skills training is germ of superficiality. Paradoxically the higher the amount of content, the more knowledge considered superficial and lifeless, you need a new conception of education and the role of the teacher where it is understood that further reflection on the skills and reasoning processes, while working with content, greater knowledge, considered deep and connected with really useful and lasting memory of the learner. Teaching cognitive skills and routines, such as roads that create knowledge in the tangle of information is at the base of the figure change teaching and revolution so necessary that requires school today. Teaching to learn how to learn to learn.