Monday, October 25, 2010

Herpes More Condition_symptoms On Face, In Mouth

pill 6: learning to learn with David Perkins

opens door classroom and the teacher comes up with a big tub of water balloons. The balloons dancing to the beat of swing that makes his hip and right arm that carries the weight, which laundress mathematics. On the other hand, woven into the elbow of his left arm and making ends meet with the head, a ladder is subjected to harsh penalties, drawing an eccentric profile, if possible, of what is expected of a math teacher to begin a class. ..

"Today we will work with linear equations ..." he says without shame, without embarrassment, as if that was submitted with a basin provided by the concierge, thirty-two water balloons in various colors and staircase decorated with spots of paint hundreds of variations of white, have a minimum common denominator with your ad content to the class that will take place. They are, without doubt, raw situations, say the nerd, never even crossed despite tending to infinity, but wrong ... How that teacher discovered a possible link between water balloons and a staircase, on the one hand, and acceleration, gravity and the basics of linear equations, the other is a paradox worthy of a "eureka" more loud and clear that Newton's apple.

That kind of math in the yard went half and half in the classroom. While a student standing on the staircase, threw a water balloon at a given height, others took careful note of the time it took to collide against the ground, to the astonishment of science learners, dotted with pleasure to participate actively in their learning . It measures the weight of each balloon, the distance and time, and practiced different sets of variations in the height of the stairs going up and down stairs. Is a class of about twenty students and everyone should take note of all, the results must come to understand the theoretical foundations of linear equations, the secret is in the balloons, and in practice, and experience, and in connection with reality, and the significance of the process, and in the vicinity of the experience and originality of approach, and the relationship of the question put to practice ... and drops that dot the notebooks, although they evaporate in seconds under the midmorning sun, splashing in dry evergreen live, memory of students in math this experience unique. This is how a class goes exemplary video presented at the conference by Professor David Perkins, which I attended last Friday, October 22.

Dr. Perkins is a professor at Harvard University in the Faculty of Education and has been co-director of Project Zero, Howard Gardner, best known for his redefinition of concept of intelligence through multiple intelligences model, discussed later. David is studying, among other lines, how humans learn and how to fostering critical thinking and understanding in learning. He currently heads the training website / wide / is. Among his notable publications include: The intelligent school The Archimedes bath and, most recently even in print for the English edition full Learning: seven principles of learning to transform education . In private he is a man nearby, who speaks some English and has a large diverse and creative career.

The concept of "Full learning" is a visionary idea on methodology, on deep thinking and understanding in the teaching-learning process. One of the reasons contributing to failure in the education of our students is to foster a very shallow learning process, we give the opportunity to offer deep approaches, defined as lasting learning experiences over time, supplies, connected with reality and enough to solve similar problems in fuzzy or disparate contexts. It has expanded the popular conception that more content means more depth and that only with large amounts of information, can be reached waking cognitive processes understanding. Thus, the classes have become routine, with the constant presentation of information and content based on the false belief that the more memory, greater capacity for understanding. Nothing could be farther from reality. Foster the presentation of content without offering ways of thinking to process is what has generated the process of education superficiality, depth in thinking and understanding not contribute content, but the routes and cognitive skills of learning competition to learn, which offer a guide to delve into the details.

information for the information, both on screen and in the master class, no processing and cognitive skills training is germ of superficiality. Paradoxically the higher the amount of content, the more knowledge considered superficial and lifeless, you need a new conception of education and the role of the teacher where it is understood that further reflection on the skills and reasoning processes, while working with content, greater knowledge, considered deep and connected with really useful and lasting memory of the learner. Teaching cognitive skills and routines, such as roads that create knowledge in the tangle of information is at the base of the figure change teaching and revolution so necessary that requires school today. Teaching to learn how to learn to learn.


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