Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thanks Section Wedding Program Wording

7: opening the school to

Throughout the course I've found and I'm still feeling, schools ready to begin training processes to innovate and create different types of projects and activities with their teachers. However, the debate about why work in a way and not another, why choose this style of organization and not another or why choose this direction of change and innovation and not the contrary, are difficult to handle discussions and sometimes endless. How these cloisters give a window to the world from which they can look out and get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat goes around, reflect together and know what is the appropriate direction of change and contemporary when they live?
In this air of inspiration and I launched training need to arrange a first meeting in search of this window to project how what happens outside of school, we are sending messages and codes very direct about what and how to teach and organize inside, I talked about this in our first pill education ... How know the cables sociological, education or learning, which appear daily in our world and challenge us to keep the work we are doing successfully, to take new forms or reshape other, how he left it to show them who are involved in the trip and look and feel with their own style to change the world and therefore, the necessary transformation of the school? I am inclined to use the screen as a large window to the world and 16 videos as a means of transport. To add more excitement to the activity, the first few minutes of video introduction to the last congress of Being Creative, offers me a unique opening. 4 groups of 4, 4 videos for each group, 16 videos in total to open to the world, 21 minutes to create and recreate in each window that opens.

And so it was running the session, with videos that I will be shelling as an educational pills in successive innings. The activity worked and continue to work with it, creating frames, windows and video screens opening the school to the world.

Open publication - Free publishing - More plans


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