Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cover Letter For Dentist

pill 10: emotion and authority in the classroom

Until the mid-seventies, the voices of scientists about the world of emotions came together against the dictates innate Charles Darwin. The biologist sailor could tell in the study of animal species like many other behaviors, facial expression of emotions was, somehow, by default. The human sciences jumped on the bandwagon of the interaction with the environment and look for ways to refute the hypothesis Darwin. Thus, Wallace Friesen and Paul Ekman decided to show people of Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the United States face images differ in their constitution (age, sex, race, nationality ...) which expressed a diverse cast of emotional states . The conclusion was the reason the old, Charles Fox, all participants were right with expertise in the emotional reading of those photos. Amazed with the results, both researchers thought the big match in the face and emotion identification was due perhaps to the beginning of globalization or "holliwoodizaciĆ³n." Thus, they decided to expand the spectrum of participants subjects of Japan, New Guinea and Borneo, to a lesser extent westernized societies. "There are emotions expressed by other means to force" the scientists think. The results were less surprising, the new group of subjects agreed with the previous group of six emotions that were recognized with ease. Again, delighted with the discovery, though cautious and somewhat stubborn, Friesen and Ekman did not dare to make big assumptions as would the effect of culture was still too obvious. What to do? Without thinking twice, the researchers looked for human beings who have the least possible contact with the world as we know it and thus penetrated into the mountains of New Guinea to meet the tribe "Fore." The children of this tribe of Papua had not ever seen a movie, or had crossed the psychological threshold of its forests, spoke their own language (rather rudimentary, of course) and lived completely overturned in the structure, rules and traditions of their tribe. Guess the surprised faces of researchers and translators when those young Indians recognized the same six emotional states that citizens of Japan, the United States or Chile? Surely the act of Ekman and Friesen well deserved a photo. The result could not be more conclusive scientific community International: There is a strong correlation between emotional states most important of human psychology and facial expressions, gestures and the genesis of these feelings are universal and not culturally apprehended. In the range of six universal basic emotions is fear.

all feel fear and we can recognize the fear in their eyes and faces of other human beings. This morning without going any further, I was afraid before the news and opened the door, I breathed fear into the gesture of my neighbor and further, to stumble. The face that would put you and me to a horror movie, would be easily recognizable by any elder or child of the tribe "Fore" should not hesitate a single moment. The fear is born with us for a reason, the alarm, warning and serve as subjective experience, which defense and control signal for any danger that threatens us. As children we are allowed to have fears and sometimes, we harnessed by men of the case or accidents that occur suddenly when we do something that is out of the norm, no parent wants a son John "Sienmiedo." Socialize in fear from very early stages, a child up to the year and a half can play under the tusk a large anaconda, only feel fear when they perceive the cries and panic in the adult is looking, then cry and learn fear.
Fears are then necessary part of our society. We can fear a lion, catapults, electric light, the breaking of the atom and the future of civilization as well as birds, sharp objects, small spaces or teenagers, violence or aggression physical. When fear buried in the tangle of our emotions and mix with perceptions, experiences and thoughts can live dormant and grow to expand under the guise of the mask of anguish. The memory, the logic of the cognitive and physiological reactions are mixed in a shaker offering a mix of fear that resides within us and us drunk. This is when the lion, the catapult or the bird as defined objects, channel our fears of death, the mysterious, the darkness, to which no name ... and when no bird or lion can channel our fear in the other, the different, the new or the eccentric why not? They are the modern and classic container deposits of our fears.
Fleeing our fears without being confronted with them and refusing to understand its true meaning or form, paves the way for that anything and anyone could be considered "stations" of fear and what we do when something makes us afraid? We protect both attacking and defensively. For that is what it is for fear, to protect against sharp objects or violence, but how do we protect ourselves when we think the fear stems from the future, progress, or other youth offending?
If children have intense fears and come with their parents to consult a specialist, sometimes when you are not even able to name what scares them is asked to draw a monster, the monster with fear: the octopus dark, mr. death, the devil's shadow, the doctor of the virus ... The monster drawn be stored in a locked box within a locked drawer and in a locked cabinet. The child finds that each of these locks is well lock and then stays in power with the keys. We speak with him, now safe from the monster that is locked, it builds a protective talisman that can be posted at any time and the child explained that because of this talisman is safe. Then begins the training and maturing to teach face his fear, the monster gradually closer and farther and farther talisman. Adults know that the monster drawn is not the true face of fear and that the talisman is just an excuse to learn and grow.
I think it's great to offer the degree of public authority to teachers to the extent that it serves to prevent aggression as awful as some events, but I remember that this is just an eminently legal and criminal action and for all, a measure education. That is, only punishes and protects, but attention, not fix or education does not teach, only contains. We believe a new guise as a shield law for teachers, write it in large letters and give it out in all the media hype, Talismans are just talismans. Our fears and our students and their parents will not go away without any training and educational measures. The punishment, law and the prison should be levers processors, otherwise multiply the time the conduct for which they operated.
We are programmed to have and acknowledge the fear but only if we teach social skills, communication and ethics to cope with it we can live with ourselves and with others. This is the only hope for that future attacks will not occur as the start of this year. The authority may be charged as a talisman on paper, respect and personal growth of our students. The degree of authority is a talisman that helps us to gradually we come to understand our fears. Those most fearful can also lead a star of "sheriff" hung on the lapel, the authority is not learned, what they learn is respect. A platform and not taught to respect law, which is the real answer is expected to offer that has authority. Fear and talismans without trying to understand, grow and learn to teach submission produce, superstition and slavery. Only educational measures ensure that we teach respect, duty and obligation. If the law granting authority serving teachers to improve education and contribute to our development and our students, their first article should offer educational channels to promote their future demise, just as in any revolution, the general who takes the controls of the government should convene a democracy or it will become a regime of fear. Accept the proposed new authority for what it truly is: a talisman of initiation.
Fear is a universal emotion, if we cultivate respect for the authority will take more than laws, talismans, will need to teach to recognize, handle, cope, communicate and grow with our emotions, they will accompany us throughout life and may then, in this way, the children of today are not violent parents of tomorrow.


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