Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pokemon Deluge Generator


means that there is a chemical hazard if the health of workers can be harmed by the toxicity of certain elements of the environment.
The lack of information together with the absence of precise knowledge of the intrinsic properties of each chemical and exposure resulting from a particular use significantly complicate the prevention of workers exposed to risks caused by the presence of these posts products work.
Toxicity is the ability of some substances to cause damage to living organisms, when they have a low chance of producing serious injury, is known harmful substances, and when the chance is high and the damage is severe substance known as toxic.

There are a variety of noxious and toxic as

Irritants: produce inflammation of the mucosa. Sulfuric acid, nitric acid

Asphyxiants : Prevents the arrival of oxygen to the tissues, preventing the oxidation of cells.

Hydrogen , nitrogen, carbon monoxide and Narcotics

: central nervous system depressants that induce drowsiness and loss of reflexes and knowledge. Ketones, alcohols. Lung

: They cause respiratory failure due to accumulation in the lungs. Plaster, marble and cellulose, characteristic of mines, quarries,

Carcinogens. Enhance the formation of cancers. Soot, tar and pitch, proper cleaning industry, chimney sweeping and repair ...

Mutagens: alters the genetic material cells. Mercury, lead ye ethylene oxide, used in pharmacy, production of car batteries,

Teratogens: produce alterations in the fetus during uterine development. Alcohol, drugs and drug ...

Systemic: provoke specific effects on vital organs, away from the entrance ways, such as hydrocarbons, which affect the liver and kidneys, and mercury and alcohol affects the nervous system.

industrial hygiene is a specific technique to prevent the chemical risk. Takes into account several factors: Replace
whenever possible for harmful substances harmless. Isolate
the poison to keep in contact with workers.
where possible Reduce the number of staff likely to be affected. Decrease
the lowest concentrations either by dilution or extraction. Join
staff knowledge of the characteristics of substances. Explain
workers for any damages that may occur. Keep
and effective daily hygiene of workers exposed. Limit
toxic dose absorbed by the worker / a.
Use personal protective equipment is always special when collective protection are not suitable. _________

Fte.: Rincondelvago.


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