Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lev Tahor 2 Asher Baraguitar Chords

Pill 11: Is there a generation?

entered to class each morning and we are young we do not know. They are in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood and we know at they're going through the end of the day we too have experienced those moments! However, what has not changed anything?
In 300 BC Aristotle wrote " Young people have strong passions and often meet them indiscriminately. Of the bodily desires, the sexual is the most in snatches and that shows lack of self control. They are changeable and fickle in their desires, which are violent while they last, but they pass quickly (...). They think they know everything and are very sure about it, this is indeed the reason for everything they do in excess. If harm to others is because they want to lower it ... love the fun (...). " Today, a tabloid had been less violent. What do you think what Shakespeare wrote in 1609 in A Winter's Tale? : "I wish that there was aged between ten and twenty, or that young people spend this time sleeping, because it serves no other purpose than to embarrass the girls, offending the elderly, stealing and fighting."
As discussed in our fourth pill pedagogy, are children of our parents and our generation. There are evolutionary development characteristic of human beings that are common to all such as creating an identity in adolescence or midlife crisis, and yet each generation adds to the list of stages its own peculiarities. Evolutionary psychology, in charge of studying human development lists four main sources to argue how we are: first, our genetics and our personality, its own set of traits that define us as people physically and psychologically and that we provide consistency behavior and reactions by different contexts and, secondly, and recognized characteristics of each evolutionary stage in question as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, bereavement or the road to death, for example, third, the attributes of society where we developed in constant interaction and fourth, the ontological characteristics, ie, those corresponding to each generation or gender groups. We can not blame or judge young people by default or by searching for an identity, like not blame the elderly for their serenity, these features are specific to each developmental stage. Making judgments about the peculiarities of the youth of today should strive to distinguish between the first two sources and the last two and argue our discourse focusing especially our attention in the past.
This video is a gem not to be missed, courtesy of my colleague 2.0 Bento Oliveira all live with young professional should not miss. Have fun!


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