Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Off White Das Wolf Comic

pill 9: OneLaptopPerOneChild in Madrid with Negroponte

walls, cracked by time and serve as floods classroom. A large group of children armoring an adult, the course professor, turn their heads on a small green computer the center of the class. There are many hands on the laptop, one upon another, that each could carry a single key. There are no desks, burned last winter. The white board is so clear it, anyway there is no budget to chalk ... there is one, the teacher, for special occasions. No books or folios are sighted within a radius of fifty miles and more like a pencil that roams the area, is a sacred elephant ivory. "The greatest social leveler in the world is a keyboard," said Nicholas Negroponte, pointing to a picture of a school in India showing the revolution OneLaptopPerChild involved in their program, "knows no gender, race or social status and opens the world to all alike. "

I ask Google and discover that from the hub of Madrid, I sit more than 10,000 km away from the classroom. There, in the second row enjoy listening to Negroponte in a new Day of Global Education Forum . The cracked walls just look at this post-modern meeting room, but while here they like, there impoverished. Despite the paradoxical imitation to wear and use "vintage" as opposed to the projected image, I feel comfortable. It will therefore Nieves Segovia commented at the opening of the event: "the garages have always been places boiling and innovation." Perhaps the current rise in narrow parking spaces have something to do with school failure is a possible topic for "Ig Nobel" ...
Photos Uruguay, Colombia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Gaza ... pass before our eyes, all magnified on a bright nine-screen window. Screens are windows to the world. Judging by the environment in each of these schools Negroponte laptops that aliens have landed pilgrims. It is not just that they are green, but the contrast of resources around them tends to become so powerful that it becomes invisible to viewers. The Eduardo Gurb Mendoza would have been as Mars or more, than any of these children to receive the computer in your hands. In our room, the only child spectator smiles in your cart. It is a "fanboy" of the GEF, for when you are fourteen, the computer that you talked about today will seem a relic. Negroponte announces it loudly and clearly, the following are the tablets ... and pictures of its next prototype thin, which slate pocket, fill the screen. This board will not need chalk or elephant ivory. "Why should we make a laptop out like a book if you could think the opposite. And we set out to design a book that was a laptop. "
"The isolation coupled with poverty is the final trigger for the abandonment of the people and country and ..." Before the translator has time to state the full sentence, Negroponte launches green laptop on the floor. Irresistible, indestructible, unrepeatable. Has achieved a new record in free throw Laptop, these computers are really tough. "A few years ago at another conference, I challenged a famous brand of portable designers to launch his own as I did with ours ... they did not dare." The same brand, starting with Micro and finishes with soft, is one of the biggest hurdles is finding the project for distribution in the world. These and many others. Give a computer to give it up ... but full of free and open software and is much harder ... the cat collar.
Because ultimately OneLaptopPerChild is not a program to supply computers to the Third World is a project of windows, light, cooperation, exchange of work in the classroom and changing the world, beginning with those most in need. Meanwhile in Madrid, we enjoyed with Negroponte, OneLaptop and someone had brought the OneChild.


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