Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Customizing Bmx Games

pill 8: learning with images or words? visual intelligence pill

We are at a historic moment where it seems that the advent of computers will have a direct impact on the school supplies that we use regularly. For many years, the textbook has been the most inexpensive and portable device to transmit information as efficiently as possible. However, his reign seems to be in decline by the arrival of computers in our homes, jobs and schools .... In reality how many possibilities offered by the computer as a new container of information? Qwiki is a new method of presenting information that is being developed in the audiovisual market and that will have direct repercussion on the management of information in a short time.

Qwiki at TechCrunch Disrupt from Qwiki on Vimeo .

In a world where information is each time in more accessible places, and always available on the Internet, the bandwidth of which have increased considerably. But what about the "bandwidth" of people?, Can grow, how?. If you have access to much information, we need tools to handle it. Learn with the intervention of José Antonio Marina always successful, courtesy of . "Learning with pictures or words? Finally, the word, always the word.


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