Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby Congratulations Wordings

pill 12 : 12 principles for improving teacher training

1. promote lifelong learning is a more comprehensive intervention programs or specific activities. Requires a combination of formal and informal processes across all stages and educational contexts through each worker.
2. To carry out a true lifelong process of learning is necessary to build our own professional portfolio and experiential learning where to overturn the principle, the path and career development of our careers as educators. Our interests and motivations, as well as our personal relationships are key to the educational goals that we plan and deliver.
3. The creation of a portfolio and monitoring of a process of ongoing and planned training time allows us to evaluate and enhance the educational quality of our own training, adapting the teaching program to the needs of our center and evaluating the action itself trainers to continue with those who deserve it and avoid wasting time on issues that dominate or are well understood in the initial or last.
4. At the same time education must promote teamwork among teachers, promoting emotional cohesion of the faculty and participating in a joint monitoring and evaluation of teacher professional development.
5. supervision is appropriate that this comes to the foot of classroom educators and trainers have opportunities to reflect on the field evolved from the training, with interviews and processes of coaching embedded in the reality of the day day in the educational process.
6. Continuing education is not being then, anecdotal, but constant, can occupy a space in the workday for teachers, devoting his time work self-reflection and portfolio and update contact and interviews with trainers.
7. Similarly, continuing education is not a sporadic and capricious process but is related to reality and needs of the school and faculty and is attached as a schedule with respect;
8. that also allows for a valid certification recognized not only by ministries of education, but by other educational institutions such as universities and training centers.
9. This model of lifelong personal and embedded in dialogue with the faculty and the center allows you to set goals, evaluate and report of accounts: those responsible for formulating policies should ensure that school leaders have to establish criteria strategic direction and improve its ability to design school curricula. Quality lifelong learning enables the distribution of educational leadership at the center.
10. This address synergies, so that training plans must develop structures that allow educators to share the efforts and investment to maximize the performance that surpasses the boundaries of each site separately by creating networks that share resources, also human.
11. An extensive body of knowledge supported by practice has enabled the OECD to identify the content, design and methods of effective training programs ( in ) It points to the following key factors: coherence of curriculum, experience in real contexts, coaching, training, mutual learning and structures for collaborative efforts between the program and schools.
12. Finally, linking the salary to training and teaching portfolio allows for different scales of compensation and thus, attract more candidates for the leadership and the creation of innovative working groups in the field of education.


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