Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Church Printable Welcome Greetings

For a culture of trust

Nieves García New Woman

Finally the movie was released expected. A young man goes to the tail of the ticket office to buy some cinema tickets. After two hours of waiting it's turn. Forgot your student card and the ticket lady says, "How I can know you're telling me the truth and you really are a student ?..." The young man smiled resignedly, and said:" I have only my word. " She replies: "Do not know, so therefore I have no reason to distrust you. Here are the entries ... a student price. "

A top executive of an American company comes just in time to catch a flight, but on the counter realizes that, in their haste forgot the ticket office. "Sorry, I can not give you the boarding pass" is the first reaction of the attendant behind the counter. "Miss I have 15 years flying with you, my name is on the computer, there is that bill is paid, but not what I have here ... I only ask you to trust what I say. " And after thinking a few minutes, she asked for his passport, got a copy, and handed him a boarding pass, saying: "I trust his word, just ask let me know that ticket within 48 hours." Three months later, this manager is sought to provide a flight attendant from the more serious business: the care and cultivation of major customers of the company. Had demonstrated that he knew to trust others, and this is the fundamental principle for any relationship that is characterized by being "human."

are two examples that speak for themselves. What we need in our society, to recreate a culture of trust! There are media outlets that have chosen to present always and only evil man. Just making us believe that all human beings are potential enemies each other. It is true that the terrorist attacks we have experienced in recent years do not help to create spaces of trust, but if we abdicate in this struggle to think good of others first, we will be betting on the suicide of humanity. No man or woman who can be happy without feeling that someone trusts him or her. We all do.

From birth, survived thanks to the trust, almost innate, on the other that we care for, to find your right. Do you distrust naturally a child of his mother? o When doubt that his father could wish an evil purpose? In fact, childhood trauma more difficult to overcome precisely from such experiences, because the most natural human psychology is the belief that one who gave me life, I want and look for my good. Naturally tend to rely on them.

All our life is made of acts of trust in each other. We trust that when we see a highway sign indicating dangerous curve, is because it will come. There has been someone who wanted to warn me to avoid danger. We trust when we buy food in supermarket where nobody is going to poison. Trust the doctor's advice, although she knew before attending ... consultation.

Trust between human beings is the fundamental principle that allows the coexistence because it is the base that sustains the human personality, personality fundamentally "relational." All the psychological and spiritual human being is made for the relationship, for love and mutual aid. Largely depend on personal security of personal experience in this field.

believes is expected when the other is someone that in itself is worthwhile, valuable and admirable, and I can learn surely some of it. In a word that is "good for ...." Enough of always thinking that man is a wolf to man! Not true. One thing that anyone has done wrong in one or perhaps several times (as we have all done), and another label for it, that person forever. These tags are sometimes worse than a death sentence because it is difficult to change when no longer trust that person. Confidence in the other starts with positive thinking because to think well of others, trust will flow sincere gestures toward him.

all want a more humane world, but to humanize the human being, start "trusting in him." Human beings generally have a deep sense of justice: to each according to what they deserve. Precisely because we tend to be fair, the most profound changes in human behavior occur when one is treated, not strict justice, but something that goes beyond, with kindness, even though strictly not worth it. Anyone who has read "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo, recalls the profound change in the heart of the protagonist, at the beginning of the novel. Despite the hospitality, through which John Valjean, an ex-con always hated and treated unfairly, he was invited to dine and sleep in the house of M. Welcome. The inmate gets up at night and runs away after stealing the silverware. Immediately seized by a group of gendarmes, which lead him to the bishop's house. And here is Jean Valjean who excuse to the police, explaining that there was any theft because he had given the silver to sell them. M. justification Welcome to reassure the police and set internally astonished to former convict, "John Valjean opened his eyes and looked at the venerable Bishop with an expression that could not paint any human language." Having won, was not so much justice, but expressed confidence in understanding, apology and kindness. There was someone who believed that despite what happened, he was and could be "good." The experience of this trust, beyond appearances, it changed the hearts and lives forever.

Take a look at what happens when confidence is practiced, and even more so when you choose as usual inner attitude from the other. We discover a wonderful show: retirees who had become as useless to smile with pleasure, young protesters who decide to choose the good for themselves, marriages saved, families help each other succeed, friends that last a lifetime ...

The fact that trust is mutual, feedback and motivation but not required to be practiced. There must be one that begins to trust each other. Every day presents an opportunity to at least one act of faith: What if my marriage now had from me a little more confidence in my spouse? What would today my relationship with my children if I trust them more? What deal would now my employees if I move house to "believe most of them"? What if today I trust my parents and that maybe I want more of what I imagine? The first act of trust can be the beginning of a new relationship and a new way of living. Live in hope.

Some might think that just can not live because they always end up disappointed others. Certainly those who trust in others, suffer some disappointment, but is there biggest disappointment in life that comes from having lost the ability to love and trust each other?

Each person chooses how you want to live and who wants to be. Who decided to opt for trust each other, do not choose to go with stupid face for life, but chooses to try to discover the good men and women, each one carries within it, to let them see themselves and act accordingly. Perhaps it is better to err on having ever more confident that ever hit no love for ever doubting the others.

confidence attracts, fascinates and leaves desire to be better. Change the whole world is gigantic task, but changing around us just depends on our ability to trust others, in which I have closely a little longer to start today to live ... hope.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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