Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Close A Trail Knife

The question is formula as follows: if you have too many children, can not give them the same as if you only have one, two ... at most three. Even sociologists are brainy quantifying the problem very well, even with algebraic formulas. For example, if you belong to the middle class, or a public official or self-employed professionals, or own a commercial establishment, and has two children, may give higher education, eligible English courses abroad and pay the entrance of an apartment with two bedrooms, living room and kitchen. Ie, facilitates the happiness of the elderly. But if you have three, you can not pay the entrance floor, and if you have four say no.

This digression I was raised as a result of an article a few months ago, which claimed that it was necessary that our children know riding, or perform multiple extracurricular activities to make them happy. But unwisely, finish the article with a question: So what do you advise us? And indeed, some readers TELVA, with charming naivete, I ask: what would you advise us to make our children happy? If I were able to answer that question, would be the wisest man in the world. To get out of ground answer that love them very much and they are known ones.

But in a conversation in which I participated recently, one of the assistants, not so elementary as to reply, had insisted on knowing how we want, and if we could wish the same to many that a few children, and how far too many children did not limit their training opportunities or were deprived of a reasonable material welfare. A mess. The only thing clear is that in these times the problem is not too many children, but failing that, especially in Spain, where you women are being fatal as far as fertility is concerned, with a rate of 1.6, the lowest in the European Community.

To this end things have come, according to a survey by the University of Valencia, what they miss most English children are siblings to play with. I already had found me in my family, and collateral families that start from the same stock. Each time one of the women in my life is in a state there is a real shock, and when the child is born, the burst of joy is epic. One of my older daughters had two children, and as you have more serious problems, has started proceedings to adopt complex Colombian children. Why Colombians? Because there are more and may even take two at a time. The latter is what I wanted my daughter, but her husband has convinced you that it is best to test one at a time. Those who are most happy are his two sons (14 and 12 years), with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a new brother. To me, given the love I have for those countries, I do not dislike the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming the overnight in an Indian grandfather chibcha, peasant or mulatto.

What?, Might ask, is that you favor a large family? On this occasion I have another answer: neither am I or ceased to be, but I live immersed in it for ever and ever. I was born the youngest of nine children, in turn, have had nine children. Therefore only know how to live within larger families and my impressions are not living bad. Sometimes living together is complex, arduous, but never boring.

Returning to the topic at hand: what is needed for children to be happy? Well, according to the survey from the University of Valencia, we have seen that having brothers is needed, because if not, especially in large cities, feel isolated and just looking for company unless it suits them: the indiscriminate television. But according to the same study, 98 100 of the children surveyed (ages 4 to 14 years) what attracts them most is being with their parents. And here's the great paradox: many parents are well-meaning but somewhat clueless, they spend much time away from home, work, and do not want to have more than one or two children to give them everything. Anything but what appears to be that kids want: more brothers and his only companion.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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