Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rhino Evaluation Cracxk




was Sunday afternoon in the heat of the midnight sun when I agreed with my give children a good cold shower, as my house has a pool (still living in Cuernavaca), decided to mount an inflatable under the shower to make a "Acapulco on the roof, everything was well until after a while of tinkering, we got hungry and decided to go out of our comfortable game ... which will be our surprise that in a second water and came at a time rolled on all stairways by a cascade, children alarmed, I rushed to contain it, the scene is a comic drama around when I skated the feet and in one motion I was on the floor, with adololorido the broom between the legs and the most shocking laughter of my three children, I do not keep other thing, to laugh with them and find the bright side of life ....

why I wanted to begin telling this story, because unfortunately there are a large number of parents have forgotten that they enjoy their children, they have forgotten to laugh with them and they have forgotten to do so ridiculous, so having a good good time, specialists say that many of these parents fall into the syndrome known as adultism , this is in simple words "take a roll too harsh parenting and forgetting the good things of life. "

Perhaps some readers misunderstand me and criticize me for being exaggerated, perhaps one could say "I have no time for silliness or other work and I precede economic lack common in our country for a long time joy to the children, but let me explain one thing, the continuous increase of the adult can lead to difficult situations with children, let me show you some figures from the situation that exists in Mexico.

According to UNICEF surveys Recent Mexico suffers 35% of its violence in homes due to abuse of adults about their own children, some shocking figures reveal that 80 000 children and adolescents die each years in the country as a result of the scourge of violence in their homes.

What is happening to us in our homes?, What is lost when the floor in communication with our children?, What condition is the person loses control when their children? ... .

All these questions are linked and we create a culture of violence, but I wonder, how to celebrate in Mexico the next day the child if we have these alarming figures weigh on us as a society? ...

Among the most frequent acts of violence are: physical, psychological and sexual, said Jacob Pinheiro, who noted that such abuses are committed in most cases mothers, fathers, stepfathers, stepmothers , host parents, siblings and caregivers.

Therefore it is necessary to break cycles of violence that are rooted in the depths of our families, first we need to recognize that is taking a form of violence in our family, could be a mother, father or a relative, sometimes a neighbor is the trigger that can complain to stop.

generator violence must recognize first that has a problem, it will not solve it alone and need assistance, therapy, approaching a specialist who can help find the root of this violence for no return to cancel the same, violence is a circle of vice cyclic sooner or later tends to recur more and to a greater degree of reactive behavior, the aggressor must therefore find their origin stop, knowing the causes that trigger and forming a new attitude and mindset through a new process habits that lead to liberation from the chains of oppression, then we show the cycle of violence that greatly helps those close to the problems to stop its continuity.

While we do not stop and the offender awareness especially in the stage of apparent calm, hardly banish violence from our homes, now or at any stage of the cycle can stop and prevent the attack there have been reports that at the time of the explosion have had to step up enforcement authorities and to avoid reactions, dear friend, how important is to break the cycle violence.

There rehabilitation clinics, therapists, family therapists, in short, a number of professionals who can deal with such cases and help solve the violence in the family but the first step is to realize that something serious is happening and it's time to make a high.

Enough of such hackneyed phrases as "what gets you, and I educate my children," is normal and will pass him angry " "He is good ... just not despair", etc ... just can not keep living in a false charade and let the abuses continue taking place within our homes does more than shelter sites, shelter and love become real fields of torture and concentration.

as I invite my reader to go to the centers of these situations in the state such as the State DIF, the Secretariat of Public Education in the case of violence in schools, I'm sure there will be a prompt response to the situation in your household.

I also encourage you to train parents in schools that are taught in schools of education of their children, often a conference or lecture about human factors environment can open our eyes to our situation and family crisis, the government of Morelos has strongly promoted these workshops to give you tools for your life, never miss the moment, which can provide many insights on how best to proceed in case of abuse that occurs in home environments.

That this April 30, really is a beautiful day for our children's children with better parents, more aware and overwhelmed in love for their offspring, I remind you that there is little time to remain in our arms, tomorrow when you and I are old Palestine with tears a hug, a kiss, a warm affection from them, do not miss .... love until it hurts, and promptly stop the flood of violence affecting home.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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