Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funny Scottish Wedding Sayings



By: Manuel Lule

Hey friend, I have a terrific remedy will cure you, tomato this and ready. Not if I tell you ... the referee is blind or sold, should have removed ... Hey if I was deputy true that would make the changes necessary to expel all of the government ... rats!

many times have we heard at a party or meeting how are you social phrases or type of these, my dear fellow readers today we are all doctors, all are excellent sports analysts and why not ... the perfect candidate to tell the president how we do things in this country ... and wonder me when we argue about what information we believe solves what merely, from which we needed to do a trial and still dare to say is that this is my truth ... No doubt, we live in a world based on the Doxa and very far from the epistemic.

These two ancient Greek words are highly appreciated by philosophers, who will readily help one to remove the veil from the eyes and make us understand a little more because we live in a Mexico that sometimes becomes mediocre and lacking in culture, let me explain. DOXA To the Greeks referred to the mere opinion that a person had on their world and the intellectual knowledge EPISTEME was based on studies, based on things with sustainability, however, a person Doxa just issued their judgments based on mere experience, while the philosopher usually generated episteme, namely, knowledge solved by reason, in short the judgments issued were based on actual reasoning developed by the study.

give you an example, just that some news commentators issue a statement, which at times is ample and has no basis because we believe it if it were an absolute truth, this same information brief the pass from mouth to mouth, generating a mere opinion of the matter, beyond our circles close, fell to ill-intentioned political and politicized things we do on both sides and again he is the proposal that can change the country, gossip, allegations and things that do not help ... nothing.

Do you realize? ... we are engaged in mere opinion and not substantiated reasons, ever heard of a specialist lecturer in the sentence field reached the bottom of my heart "to give reasons for our hope" on what basis do we say this or that said , what sustains it, the Greek philosophers to search for the reasons led them to investigate, to study other thinkers and that they caused an unquenchable thirst to know, then explain it with a very simple scheme.


analysis this: If I want to make judgments just because you get While this can be very tricky as it may not have sufficient information that supports what I say, then it is best not to comment and recognize ignorant on the subject ... yes indeed sounds harsh but it is, you ignorant, and if you have the humility to admit you're ready for the second step, is going to be to study, research to investigate and be amazed at the things you will discover about this or that thing, wonder as do the children in their learning process, this speaks of the thirst for learning, the desire to become a better person, the desire to transcend this world.

grown Next step then and only then will be able to enter the same Episteme will generate more capacity for wonder, this is an endless cycle and it is what is really does have real knowledge.

We explained a teacher in philosophy, "what happens is that we've cheapened and diluted knowledge", we think it is written on the internet is absolute, that why I said this or opinion which leader is true, is more than that appeared in a gossip magazine is unique because it is then said Niurka and your true .... please, this is pure Doxa and causes us great harm to the culture in general.

So what can be done very simply feel that we are ignorant people who do not know everything and continue to promote the learning circle lest we lose our sense of wonder, a good book, a good magazine based on verifiable facts, in short can be as good television, but with all that we want to keep it to "War of the sheep jokes Nava Telehit passing through ... then what we filled the heart to express to others ... please.

Today our children have many channels of information, our responsibility is to know the origin of this information and lead to the boys for what it truly is healthy, everyone has the opportunity of sending messages through this world of communications but this does not mean it is the best for our lives, our families. I believe and am convinced that we move ever closer to the formation of opinion in our children, that is, every time we have to work harder on them so they are prepared to exercise sound mind in the event, with the friend who offered drugs, pornography or vices of drinking, so that when we as parents are present, they can decide properly so that nothing hinders their nature against person and human dignity.

This will be achieved to the extent that they acquire knowledge and culture, as generations who are addicted to human development study and, in so far looking good and strengthen the common bonds of solidarity.

We purify our generations and fomentémosle study and serious, that is, we fight because they do not get carried away by the Doxa and are seekers of episteme.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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