Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Licence A Trailer In Ontario

Interview with Alfonso Aguilo

Interview with Alfonso Aguilo
Vice European Institute of Education (IEEE).

Learning to educate the feelings remains one of the major outstanding tasks. Often forget that feelings are a powerful human reality, and that, for better or for worse, are usually what drives us stronger and brings us back to our action.

People who enjoy a good educación afectiva suelen sentirse más satisfechas, son más eficaces y hacen rendir mejor su talento natural. En cambio, quienes no logran dominar bien su vida emocional, se debaten en constantes luchas internas que socavan su capacidad de pensar, de trabajar y de relacionarse con los demás. Sobre estas cuestiones entrevistamos hoy a Alfonso Aguiló, autor del libro Educar los sentimientos (Colección "Hacer Familia", Palabra, 1999).


- ¿Siendo tan importante la educación de los feelings, why so many people consider IQ as the main indicator of the personal skills?

- The longstanding issue. Since the early twentieth century, the idea became widespread that IQ is a fact of invariable and decisive game in the life of a person. Fortunately, that idea came into crisis many years ago, it is clear that having a high IQ can predict who will get perhaps as academic success is often evaluated in our educational system today, "but not much else. Not a guarantee of professional success, let alone successful and happy life.

There are many other capabilities that are more important, and among them are those relating to education of the feelings, as self-knowledge, self-control and emotional balance, the ability to motivate yourself and others, the social talent, optimism, ability to recognize and understand the feelings of others, etc..

- How to pay as much attention to the education of feelings, there is no risk of falling into an overly sentimental education?

- They are different things. Being a man of great heart, or have a deep emotional capacity, does not in itself a danger. And if it is, will be in the same way that it is dangerous to have a strong will and a prodigious intellect: it depends on what you use.

Obviously, this is not the reason to replace the feelings, nor otherwise. It tries to reconcile head and heart, both the family and in the classroom or in human relations in general.


- And how you can find that balance?

- At first, we can not discredit the heart because some consider it mere sentimentality, neither intelligence because others see it as a mere rationalism or because others will reduce a fool voluntarism. The key is finding a good harmony.

For example, in recent decades have disclosed various crusades against different problems that threaten our society, school failure, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, drugs, youth violence, etc.. However, once again and found that often arrive too late, when the situation has reached major proportions and is strongly rooted in the lives of these people.

And that happens because the information, though important, usually resolves itself very little. Most times the problem is not the drug itself, or alcohol, or school failure, but the emotional crisis that cross these people, and lead them to seek refuge in these errors.

- Is the solution then is to better educate the feelings?

- In large part, yes. Man is not always enough to understand what is reasonable and then, only with that, practice. Human behavior is full of shades and nuances that escape the rigors of logic, and walking free moving springs of the will and subconscious feelings.

- have a lot of heart but sometimes betrays ...

- It is clear that there are numerous flaws and defects that can coexist with a big heart. There are people of great heart who are alcoholics, angry, lying or dishonest. But in general we can say that the richness and fullness of a person depends largely on their emotional capacity.

Most truly human is to be a person of heart, but let it tyrannize us. That is, without considering the supreme guide of our lives, but having it be intelligence educate whoever is appointed. Educate them to take us to great things passionate, with ideals worth fighting for. It is true that passions do mourn and suffer, but that does not have to be a bad thing because "maybe you can give a good lesson, or take out a major project, or really love another person, from indifference? Without passion, would they have been great men who have filled with light and power our history, our literature, our culture? While our passions to educate us more human, freer, more valuable.

REALITY "Dark and mysterious?

- Do you think that education is a task feeling a bit neglected?

- Yes As noted by José Antonio Marina, the misleading impression that the feelings are real dark and mysterious, irrational, almost beyond our control, has resulted in many people a substantial deepening disinterest in their education. However, the feelings are influenced, correctable be stimulated. Can be modeled much more than it at first appears.

is true that most of the feelings can not be produce directly and freely. We can not create feelings of joy or sorrow with the same ease with which we do other acts of will (as governor, for example, arm movements). But we can influence our happiness and our sadness in an indirect way, paving the way within, stimulating or rejecting the emotional responses that arise spontaneously in our hearts.

- Some consider this is to hide the spontaneous feelings to be replaced by others who do not actually have, and therefore false, or at least artificial .

- I think it should not be so, since what is sought is not distorted feelings, but to build our own emotional style. We must be the protagonists of our own lives, instead of thinking that we are inexorably tied to a romantic destination.

If a person says, for example, which is being dominated by feelings of envy, or selfishness, or resentment, what you should do is try to contain these negative feelings, while seeking to stimulate the corresponding positive feelings. Thus, over time achieved they will carry the day on those, and so will positively transform their own emotional life.

- And the feelings influence the virtues?

"Every sentimental style favors a stock and hinders others. Therefore, every sentimental style help or hinder a psychologically healthy life, and help or hinder the practice of virtues and values \u200b\u200bthat we want. You can not forget that envy, selfishness, aggressiveness, or laziness, are certainly shortcomings of virtue, but also gaps the proper education of the feelings that help or hinder such virtue. The practice of virtue promotes the education of the heart, and vice versa.


- What do you think that relationship between education of feelings and moral education?

- I will answer based on an example. I remember once, long ago, when a professor friend of mine, referring to a student of his eleven years, looking nice and awake, he said:

"That kid is really extraordinary, a very talented person ... it is a pity you do not have a good heart. He likes to entertain others throw them in trouble

and then removed him slip out of the way. usually go about their business, although, as is done, you know to hide. But if you look closely, you realize that it is selfish to amazing extremes.

Take a
very good notes, and have great potential for almost everything. The bad thing is that seems to enjoy humiliating to those who are weaker or less intelligent, and insensitive to their suffering. And do not think that I have a hobby. It is the brightest of the class, but not a good person. I'm impressed by your head, but I am terrified her heart. "

When we look at cases like that guy, we understand immediately that should be paid particular attention to moral education. And that a good education sentimental has to help, among other things, to learn, if possible, to enjoy doing good and doing evil feel angry.

- That's not always easy. How can this be achieved?

- Within us there are feelings that push us to do well, and, with them, swarm also others like infectious insects that threaten our moral life. So we must try to shape our feelings to help us as possible to feel good about what helps us build a harmonious personal life, full and accomplished. And to feel bad otherwise.


"But there are times that doing good is not at all attractive ...

- is true, and therefore I say that we must seek to educate the feelings to help as possible to the moral life. For example, if a person feels discomfort when lying, and satisfaction when it is sincere, it will be a great help in the moral life. Like if you feel uncomfortable when it is unfair or selfish, or lazy, or unjust, because all that you walk away from those mistakes, and sometimes with much more strength than many other arguments. Hence, knowing the importance of educating vividly show the attractiveness of virtue and goodness.

- Why is it so important that image?

- If a person manages to form an attractive idea of \u200b\u200bthe virtues you want to buy, and try to bear in mind these ideas, it is much easier to get to have these virtues . Achieved, moreover, that this path is less painful and more satisfying. Conversely, if you think constantly in the attractiveness of services to Avoid (A poor and despicable appeal, but always there, and whose power should not be underestimated), it is likely that the undeniable charm that always have those errors make it harder for them unstuck.

So delve into the attractiveness of the property, to represent it within us as something attractive, cheerful and inspiring, it is more important than it seems. Many times, the improvement processes are undermined simply because the image of what you get is proposed is not sufficiently suggestive or desirable.

- So, with an excellent education feelings effort would cost only lead an exemplary life?

- It is clear that cost less as usual. Anyway, no matter how good the education of a person, do good, you will often be a mature, sometimes larger. But that person knows that always wins with the good work.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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