Thursday, November 26, 2009

Off White Comic Charaters

Making leisure

Leisure to stimulate the development
Here are some practical ideas to encourage the development of skills in language, communication and critical thinking in children. They are playful, to be developed at a time when the family is gathered:

1. Talk to your child (ren): Children learn words and concepts about the world when you listen and talk with other people, which prepares them for success in reading. Have long conversations with their sons or daughters, talk during the day on its activities and those of boys or girls, give continuity to the boys or girls say or sing their favorite songs.

Examples: words
name all animals that could. Name all the foods you can.
Talk about how things are alike and different:

what resemble a cat and a dog? How are they different? How does look like a car and a bus? How are they different? Define and explain
words What is a cat? What is a bicycle? What is a notebook?
Name: Naming things in a book or things that are around you.
Talk about the characteristics of what surrounds us: The birds have beaks and feathers, fish have scales and fins, the trees have leaves and bark

2. Read with your child (ren) each day: Read a book together is an excellent opportunity for a family to share. Provides an opportunity for children to learn many words new and gives the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the world. Reading to children helps them understand basic concepts about reading, for example, the direction in which turning the pages and read from left to right. Read a book shows children the sounds associated with letters, that letters form words, words form sentences. Search
adequate time to read every day, for example, before bedtime or after meals. Lean

fairy tales and other factual information such as information books, children's magazines and supplements in the newspapers. Read a book strengthens critical thinking skills. Ask
your son or daughter to bring the book's cover, title, start reading and let him turn the pages to read. This will help you learn how books work.
Add some drama to your voice, act out different characters and try to be part of history.
Explain the meaning of words that are new to him and ask him questions about what they read. Try to imagine the situation of the characters in the story, it will be quite an adventure.
can try to write and draw on the reading, make up a story like change parts of the story.

3. Playing with sounds: doing the following activities, children can begin to create an awareness that words are made up of sounds, which in turn correspond to the letters. It is very helpful to start with the name of children, as this is very meaningful to them.
Play games with words that end as well as Anna Banana so they can play with sounds.

Look around and ask them to find things that start with a sound. Play
behalf of their sons or daughters is very entertaining. You can write and cut to form a puzzle. Write your name on personal items will help them to recognize it quickly.
Try looking in magazines and newspapers with a specific letter, recórtenla, paste it and search for things that start with the sound of that letter.

4. Write with your child (ren): Ideally, different materials have to perform the following activities. Give them
paper, markers, crayons, pencils, scissors, glue, old magazines, papers and other materials we have around us.
Encourage them to dare to write something ... even with squiggles ... a shopping list, a letter to a relative, a history, instructions and recipes for something that interests them. At the beginning, children begin to express graphically with symbols and squiggles, as they move through the process to write invented spelling, normal stage of this process. Later the children will know the basic rules of spelling. It is important to allow them to express their level and not force, because above all we want is that children feel able to express their thoughts and words graphically.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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