Thursday, November 26, 2009

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WHAT IS PEACE? How do you know

When we think of peace, the first thing that comes to mind is the absence of war. But peace is much more than that.

and planting comprises an amount of work that includes preparing the land, outlining the grooves, seed selection, choose the appropriate time to gather materials and tools to be used, not only made to introduce the seeds on earth, peace also means many things.

La Paz involves preparing the ground so that no circumstances arise that could jeopardize.

Peace requires tolerance, justice, equality, solidarity, and also the responsibility of rulers, who have the destiny of peoples in their hands, to make sound decisions that make good common.

La Paz is nourished by the good intentions, education, communication, commitment, respect.

La Paz is present in every moment of the day, the bread on the table, in the dignity of the worker who earns his living honestly, in the friendly of a public employee in preparing young people for well, in the migratory flight of birds, a child who learns to care for a tree, a grandfather who smiles in a baby's first nap in the evolution of mankind toward its higher destiny in the progress of applied science to healing, respect for Mother Earth, sacred, by the river, for our animal brethren, by the first inhabitants of this land for ourselves ...
Peace is the tranquility of the soul, which is enriched by the love and practice it.
Peace is peace, joy, serenity, depth of thought and joy in living.

All that is La Paz ...

And so much more we can discover every moment ... if we are lucky to live in peace.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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