Thursday, November 26, 2009

Emulador De Pic Para Dongle

What is the personality of the abuser?

"Separation or threat abusers feel about their family structure increases the hazard by 75%, to the point of carrying out the death threat , says English psychiatrist José María Semele. Abusers, "he continues often come from violent homes, where they have been mistreated, and those who have been abused, usually. These people often suffer from psychological disorders, many of them use substances such as alcohol, that enhance their aggressiveness. They have a certain profile of immaturity, dependency, ... insecurity, are emotionally unstable, anxious and impulsive. Abusers usually aggressive move that has accumulated in other areas to their wives. They also consider women as some of their property. Within their disease, repentance is common, and women misinterpret this repentance, that's only temporary until the next blow. "

(From" If there is love and respect, "published in" Alpha and Omega " , No. 247/15-11-2001, Madrid, Spain.)

The abuser tends to be an isolated, not much related to others, is jealous even of his own shadow, has low self-esteem. This is a feature that always has a self-esteem as a result of soil, which causes frustration and frustration brings violence. It also has a rigid expectations of gender roles as a man. This is the typical male. And sexism is covering what is a complex of inferiority, low self-esteem. So try to pretend it is not. Generally

abusers who beat, that hurt, have a soft side. There are many highly educated, even religious.
After a decade of research, two psychology professors (Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Neil Jacobson) have concluded that abusive men fall into one of two categories: the "pit bull" or dog and the "cobra" or snake. Then, the individual characteristics of each.

"Pit bull" is violent
only with people you love.
is jealous and afraid to give it up.
deprives his wife or girlfriend of their independence.
soon to anger, to monitor and publicly attack his partner.
Your body reacts violently during an argument.
has some potential for rehabilitation.
probably has not been charged with any crime.
probably had an abusive father.

is very likely aggressive worldwide.
not emotionally dependent on another person, but insists that his partner should do what he wants forever.
is more likely to threaten with knives or guns.
house is quiet, as becomes aggressive.
is difficult to treat with counseling. Possibly
has been charged with any crime.
Abuses drugs or alcohol.

The two aforementioned psychologists explain in their book "When Men Batter Women (Simon and Shuster), that" OJ Simpson is a 'pit bull' showing typical ... more monstrous behavior only with the woman he loves . The "pit bull" continually spy on women believing that this is cheating on him. It is a very jealous husband or boyfriend. To all the people who treat you like him, except for their girlfriends or wives.

On the other hand, the "cobra" is often a sociopath. It is cold and calculating, easily deceived his victim and may be a sadist. Their violence stems from his pathological need to get away with it, be the boss forever, and make sure everyone (including his wife) knows that he is the boss.

After his wife has been physically abused and afraid, sometimes stops this kind of abuse and replace it with a constant psychological abuse, through which lets you know his victim, that physical abuse could go at any time.
The research psychologists, authors of the book on the subject cited above, concluded that abuse rarely stops by itself.

Note: This information was taken from the article "Battered Women Face Pit Bulls and Cobras", published in the newspaper "New York Times", March l7, l998. The author is Jane E. Brody.

John Broadshaw states in his book "Homecoming", that "inner child" hurt a person can take to behave violently and cruelly. The person does not assume responsibility for their actions because they think the culprits are the others. In the case of battered wife, for example, a violent man she blames for his own actions.

Sometimes the abuser's violence hidden fear or insecurity, terror he felt as a child with an abusive father who beat him frequently. By becoming an adult prefers to take the personality of the abusive father to feel weak and scared. In other cases, the wrongs are the result of a childhood during which very permissive parents indulged the child at all. This leads children to believe than to become an adult and think he is above the law. In other words, you can do whatever they want and abusing anyone. Think you deserve special treatment, better than that given to

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