Thursday, November 26, 2009

Rabbit Run Blueprints

What is the dynamics of domestic violence?

In all domestic violence exists as a cycle, a circle passing through three major phases. This syndrome occurs or withdrawal symptoms. As I said, is learned.
The first phase of this cycle is psychological abuse, are created tensions between husband and wife, these tensions are rising. Starting with insults and contempt and that it grows, scream and get a moment (it does not reach the overnight) it is an explosion of anger and a woman is beaten. The first phase is psychological abuse that ends in an explosion of physical abuse, injuries and bruises.

The second part of this cycle is called the period of reconciliation. The first man realizes what he has done and then it becomes a little more friendly and even brought flowers to women. Apologizes, does everything it can to convince her that you really love, especially if it threatens to spread. This conduct "loving" complete victimization.
Why? The third phase is a period of ambivalence. The woman does not know what to do. She tells herself: "Yes, it hit me, but otherwise is affectionate, has brought me flowers ..." Spend some time and turn around the circle to the first phase. Tensions begin, and grow again and hitting the space between the first and the second is shorter. Cycle back again.

The man who beats his wife, especially if you do it several times, if not put on treatment will not cure. Do not expect anyone to to heal. If she stays with him, the cycle will start again and beatings will be increasingly repeated. The motivation in women, who at first had the desire to separate or ask for help, ever going to slow more. Grows its lack of hope, no longer has the strength to protest. Becomes passive and "submissive", not the submission of the Gospel, but a slave.

must understand clearly the words of the Gospel, there is no true submission, if there is no respect for the individual. In this case, the woman ends in utter helplessness. So call it: desamparoNota Syndrome: Based on lectures by Dr. Jesus Arina, psychologist

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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