Thursday, November 26, 2009

Looking For Extras Acting Chicago

live psychological violence?

a) Verbal abuse: Lowering , insult, ridicule, humiliate , using mind games to confuse and irony, etc.
b) Intimidation: Scaring with looks, gestures or shouting. Throwing objects or destroying property.
c) Threats: De wound, kill, kill, take the children.
d) Financial abuse: Control abusive finance, monetary rewards or punishments, prevent it from working though necessary for the support of their family.
e) Sexual abuse: Imposing contraceptive use, pressure to abort, sexual contempt, imposition of sex against your will or contrary to nature.
f) Isolation: Control abuse each other's lives by monitoring their actions and movements, listening to their conversations, impediments to cultivate friendships, etc.
g) Contempt: Treat others as inferior, make important decisions without consulting the other.

to recognize symptoms victim of domestic violence:
a) Have you cried yourself to sleep by being beaten or insulted by your husband?
b) Have you hidden wounds or bruises staying at home, or getting dark glasses?
c) Have you ever said to yourself: "This situation will improve, I have patience? Do not kid yourself. With this submissive attitude encourages the abuser to continue the same or worse.

Domestic Violence and Divorce: A
frequent violence in families of divorce: Using children as a battleground to settle their hatred, resentment or inability to talk like adults. Abused children when one parent speaks ill of another or when they are forced to carry messages of frustration and guilt among parents. With that all done damage, but the most affected is usually the messenger.

Note: This last sentence is based on the book "Notes on life and faith," Dr. Jesus Arina, Miami, Florida.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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