Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Full Sprinkler U Fitting W/ Autodrain

4: How to look without prejudice to the generation of our students? Pill

August 31. Flights from Seville to Lisbon to attend a meeting of teachers. To my surprise, I still feel sand in my pockets when I dig in search of cents. Is the first flight Course and alternate reading the classic last summer with the Portuguese newspapers that I offer. Portuguese is a beautiful language, I think, and I hold the hearing before a big headline about a fight youth in Lisbon. Topic after topic in vain to try to find some idea that does not soil the beauty of the language of Saramago. I give up, we live in XXI century to the beat of stereotypes.
1, 2, 3 and 4 September . Thanks to a "portoñol" gibberish that only fortify portugués y mi me to discuss Lanzo el nuevo en la capital juvenile incident con los profesores del encuentro. In it duda, young people today are more violent, drink more, have no respect for authority and have a very low academic level. Tract ofrece una restrained attitude, I seek refuge en la statecraft en la sociology, psychology en la ... nothing to serve me. Do not do bad, I Dicen. Empiezo sentirmo joven y me gustaria demostrarles Cuan puedo llegar being violent, pero no la quiero darla razón, creo ...
8 and 9 September. I travel from Madrid to Segovia every morning to work with the faculty of a cole. While Obama spoke to a young nation on television, we work on how to program and assess competency.
September 10. Way to the center of Segovia to school. It's a cool morning that thanks to the Solina hours will fall on the aqueduct. I have not forgotten the young and what the press, teachers and topics say they are. I stand at a kiosk and erase holders early-morning smile on my face. "Spain at the tail of education," says a newspaper. We are, I think. As every year the OECD published Education at a glance ... buy a few newspapers and brought them to the classroom with me. We talked about the performance level of our youth. Bullfighting some topics but finally let me gored by a fighting bull, I think it was Einstein who said that it is more difficult to break an atom than a prejudice. I say that kids today are more violent and less studied. Não faze me wrong, I say to myself, I think scientific or bullfighter me deal with atoms and Miura, it may be easier to deal with topics.
17, 18 and 19 September. traveled to Vienna to spend the weekend. I offer some Austrian newspapers on the plane. With a shiver my body gives me a warning to what I expected ... I have some hesitation in asking the press but hey, I want to improve my German! Leaf through the Kurier that to my amazement discusses the new generations of adolescents. I read a few paragraphs, I close my eyes and I want to scream. I think the article is a translation of the amalgamation of modeled worn topics I read on the way to Lisbon on 31 August. I was surprised at the lack of rigor in the statements. Nor a figure, or the appointment of an author of any human discipline, or the reference to a publication ... I just like the picture of the kids dancing in a disco ...
September 10 . I think if I want to be a scientist or a bullfighter.
October 13. Nearly a month after I write this, for now I'm still in education ...

We are children of our parents and our generation. There are evolutionary development characteristic of human beings that are common to all such as creating an identity in adolescence or midlife crisis, and yet each generation adds to the list of stages its own peculiarities. Evolutionary psychology, in charge of studying human development lists four great sources to argue how we are: first, our genetics and our personality, its own set of traits that define us as people physically and psychologically and that we provide consistency in the behavior and reactions by different contexts, and second , and recognized the special characteristics of each evolutionary stage in question as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, bereavement or the road to death, for example, third, the attributes of the society in which we develop in constant interaction and fourth, the ontological characteristics, ie, those corresponding to each generación o grupos de generaciones. No podemos culpar o juzgar a los jóvenes por su rebeldía o por la búsqueda de una identidad, al igual que no culpamos a los ancianos por su serenidad; estas características son propias de cada etapa evolutiva. Al emitir juicios sobre las peculiaridades de los jóvenes de hoy debemos esforzarnos por saber distinguir entre las dos primeras fuentes y las dos últimas y argumentar nuestro discurso focalizando sobre todo, nuestra atención en las últimas.


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