Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ontario Tax Boat Purchase

Pill 1: What is the educational innovation?

The school is not an impermeable entity not feel the changes of time, or science, or our society. If we want our students to know, to integrate into society, find work and be happy, we achieve our objectives from the organization of our school, work between different departments or courses and academic activities occur in the classroom . The curriculum is the living skeleton incardinated amending school work, school innovates and adapts to changing times through the changes in the curriculum. There are four major sources that establish the relationships between school and society transformation through the curriculum of the schools: the psychological source, the source sociological, pedagogical and epistemological. The configuration of the curriculum is thanks to the involvement of these four sources who act in an interrelated way.
Imagine, for a moment, as were schools fifty years ago in Spain, when society, education, science and that people know today, was so different. For example, fifty years ago, we knew much about live cell cloning, Dolly the sheep was only in the imagination of a few scientists and therefore did not appear in textbooks, as nothing was said of "quarks" or chain triple helix of human DNA (epistemological source.) All students needed to know, I could still fall into the pages of a great encyclopedia. On the other hand, computers and information technology and communication were less developed and treatment was not necessary in schools, there were no Desktops and students from more advantaged schools had to understand more typewriters than chips. Moreover, at that time did not know much about the versatility and flexibility of the human brain (psychological foundation) and thought there was only one type of intelligence that an adult brain could not learn more or to learn a foreign language as English was not as necessary since then, due to the development of transportation (sociological basis) with luck we may get to Portugal and France once in our lives.

To implement changes in a school must be attentive to the clues provided each of these sources of curriculum, according to the phenomena that is happening in our world and how we are forced to face new changes in the way we teach, work We organize and interact with our students.


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