Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Scholarships For Thyroid Problems


ERGONOMICS The word derives from the Greek words "ergos" meaning work and "nomos," laws, for which literally means "labor laws" and can say it is a multidisciplinary activity responsible for the conduct and activities, with the intention of adapting the products, systems, jobs and environments, characteristics, limitations and needs, seeking to maximize their effectiveness, safety and comfort.


· Force concentrated in small elements of the body. Posture forced
· Highly repetitive movements.
· Rest insufficient.

most common symptoms:

· Pain
· Restriction of movement of a joint Swelling
soft tissue
· Reduction of touch and dexterity. AREAS OF EXPERTISE

specialized areas are considered within the scope of ergonomics including the following:

- Biometric Ergonomics: Anthropometry and dimensions, physical load and postural comfort.

- Environmental Ergonomics: environmental conditions, load and visual lighting, sonic and vibration environment.

- Cognitive Ergonomics: psicopercepción and mental workload, communication interfaces, biorhythms and cronoergonomía.

- Preventive Ergonomics, occupational safety, occupational health and comfort, stress and muscle fatigue.

- Ergonomics in Design: ergonomic design of products, environments, ergonomic design, ergonomic design of systems.

- Specific Ergonomics: handicap, disability, child and school, independent microenvironments (aerospace).

- Corrective Ergonomics: Evaluation and Ergonomic Consulting, Ergonomic analysis and research, education and ergonomic training.


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