Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Planetary Pinball- Funbrain

pill 19: Tips for Parents analog digital pill

In his fourteen years Yumi could not finish the math homework a week. Wanted ... but could not. It's been a week of infarction. It all started when ... A moment! The huge Yumi wristwatch is vibrating, just when he was about to clarify what the duties! The display of colors phosphorescent unfold on his wrist, a series of strange symbols, a mixture of Egyptian and Hebrew alphabet, you do the math again forget to leave an orphan on the table ... The life of a twenty-first century superadolescente is very complicated! Before you can avoid bulky alarm clock, Yumi introduces an unintelligible code that wakes up a huge hologram drawing the features of one of his best friends. Aladdin's genius has never disappeared, just been remastered. Yumi has a new mission, tells Aelita from the central supercomputer that XANA, the virus that tries to gain control of the digital world to conquer the real world, is launching a new wave of attacks in Lyoko. Yumi is very clear, you must re-enter Code Lyoko to save our reality, a world of interconnected lives immersed bites between us and with which we are intimately linked ... mathematics will have to wait.

; Generation Interactive global generation, interconnected generation, millennial generation, generation communication ... the younger generation of today in a nutshell, is to be defined as its predecessors grown in the time-being, by the cartoon series and draw trump reality. The rabbit Alicia imperial and delayed launches lightning and responds to the name of Pikachu, "Hundreds of Pokemon are everywhere," says its new ad campaign. While the game emphasizes brand augmented reality, mixed virtual and real, a prelude to Lyoko. The map of the Mayan heritage is a circuit rule that rewrites Dora in each chapter, the door to reading interconnected and parallel worlds that opened in Michael Ende The Neverending Story is back to wake Gormiti lords of nature, the Edebits fighting for the preservation of nature ... gone are the Koala Fruitis and Mowgli. Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny have been sent to the spatial world of the future. The Trotamúsicos have become in high definition with The Titirimúsicos and even the Fox has pledged his sword to fight against criminals in power and bought a Z-phone and a Z-touch, no kidding! Ask your children and students by Zorro, Generation Z Only Caillou and The Triplets remain on the display of analog and have their days counted, because the three-dimensional Pocoyo and irreverent and innovative underwater world of SpongeBob represent better than anyone that approaches. "Who lives in the pineapple under the sea?" The song says, the working group Four television has been launched to place the crab in the night when most child viewers to connect to the mound, which as you can not be otherwise-his name is 2.0. Do you hide your child in the pineapple under the sea? Sorry, it's all full, Patricio rented the last apartment. We live in a time of the most "in": uncertainty, networking, innovation. I do not say, nor what sociologists say, I say cartoons your children watch.

, In the world of communication, the screens are windows that open our homes to the world. Globalization, which was launched in economic transactions and bank accounts, has materialized in the day to day, throughout the universe that create screens and language developed by the network itself. In any communication there is a transmitter, a receiver, a channel, a code and a message. Internet has opened a channel huge, overwhelming, between issuers and human receptors, which according to research from Stanford University, has been reduced to l theory of six degrees of separation from Hungarian Frigyes Karinthy , only four and a half. You are so only four people to jump start a conversation with Obama, with Zapatero, with Uma Thurman, with Bon Jovi .... our students well.
The world of the younger generations is a world of communication and access, Internet banner. The same Internet that has revolutionized the north of Africa, the music industry, film and photography alike and has come to reality to stay. A borderless digital world with the real, as in Code Lyoko forces us to be intimately related. The network opens on our screens is a simple map for our students, as a daily path Dora the Explorer. Meanwhile, for parents looking for answers in order to protect minors online, is configured as a labyrinth with the Minotaur lurking virus. Disruption of technology has pushed educators and parents to guide him in a way that considered modern but cold, powerful, yet individualistic, virtual but unreal, compared to normal perceive small but simple, close but socially, digital but true. We passed each other on the path of education to be guides, old-fashioned pedagogues Greek companions on the road, but remastered in digital trail. What to do, where do you start? I offer 10 keys with 2 very simple ideas based perennial: it is not to protect, but to accompany and is not looking from the sidelines, but to enable us to train.

1. Teach technology with technology: capacitive to accompany them. not look at them, join. Sit next to her and asks you to open an account at Spotify, use the wikipedia and find the free tools from Google. Lessons learned. In pill number 17: more than protect, to accompany you are online! propose a simple route to enjoy the potential of networking and communication. Without getting wet, no one can learn to swim. For the adventurous surfers more action here in

2. The greatest risk is to live off. Internet is a communication channel that is used for many tasks and is in constant process of redefinition. So does speed, which distributes videos and the daily press. There is no denying the connection to a younger generation which studies the OECD in 2006, led by Andreas Schleicher, have an eighty percent chance of working with a computer. Digital competence is no longer a medium in itself, is also an end of the educational process and yet can only be achieved and so if used as a medium. More reasons in the publications section of

3. Tune in for one reason: the network is a tool to an end. Browse aimlessly is the first of the major problems for any sailor. Browsing aimlessly are more likely to get lost in storms. It is important to maintain a clear picture: Now I log on to send a message on facebook, now I log on to refer to wikipedia, now I log on to read the paper, now I log on to listen to music, I never connect to anything. The medium is the message. clear things

4. Create routine visits, use what interests you. Learn how to set a bar of favorite pages in the browser you use and hold it always in sight. These are the charts of your family for excellence connect. Collect new ideas

5. Go to the source, contact, who we are and where we are. No shop or physical space can give as much information as offered by the websites, but we must do right questions. Research on the "Contact" page is asking a virtual accreditation. Get used to create this routine in doubt. You are advised more

6. Manages connection times and the physical. If you connect with a purpose and to carry out a task or work fun can not last forever "There is life outside the internet" we tell the children. "There is life in the internet" we mean it. Find out in Http://

7. The identity is unique our students tell us that what is happening in reality is going on the screen, educators teach that what is happening on the screen also happens in reality.

8. Surf without a trace: your data is yours. Learn from the English Agency for Data Protection, then you make it very clear: https: / /

9. Internet is a screen remember that people are a reflection / image / picture, there you are your image. clearer water

10. Finally, I leave you with a game of trivial digital learning because the learner is, above all, agent active and not passive victims.


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