Friday, April 8, 2011

Boson Netsim 6 Userguide


An enclosure is any confined space with limited openings for entry and exit and unfavorable natural ventilation, which can accumulate toxic or flammable contaminants or be oxygen deficient atmosphere, and is not designed for continuous occupancy by the worker.

risks in these areas are manifold, as well as the accumulation of toxic or flammable and lack of oxygen are added to those caused by the tight, uncomfortable working postures, limited lighting, etc. Another aspect is the amplification of some risks as in the case of noise, much higher al que un mismo equipo generaría en un espacio abierto, por la transmisión de las vibraciones.

En general se puede decir que los trabajos en recintos confinados conllevan una problemática de riesgos adicionales que obligan a unas precauciones más exigentes, todo lo cual se aborda en los apartados siguientes.

Una característica de los accidentes en estos espacios es la gravedad de sus consecuencias tanto de la persona que realiza el trabajo como de las personas que la auxilian de forma inmediata sin adoptar las necesarias medidas de seguridad, generando cada año víctimas mortales. El origen de estos accidentes es el desconocimiento de los riesgos, debido en la mayoría de las ocasiones a falta training and training, and poor communication on the status of the installation and safe conditions in which operations are performed.

the following areas are typically classified as confined spaces, and should be treated with caution:

Storage tanks, bilges, defatting Sinks, Sewers, Manholes, Tunnels, Vaults - Underground Shelter, Reactors, Silos, Bunkers , grain elevators, mixers, water tanks with top opening, water tower, tank wagon, Decanters Pools Of Blood In Refrigerators

may be areas that are included in this list which have characteristics of a confined space, so it must be treated as such with all necessary safety precautions.

What makes a confined space is dangerous? The points listed below, create dangers in a confined space.

previously stored products: Confined spaces used for storage of petroleum products, chemicals or other substances, can often absorb or retain the material in their walls. When the container is emptied for maintenance, cleaning or other purposes, this material can surface absorbed through Roasted wall changing the composition of the atmosphere within the container.

loss or accidental spills: Spills or accidental loss of substances such as ammonia, acetylene, acids, and even water can create a variety of hazards within a confined space. These substances may generate fumes and vapors can cause reactions that can create sudden changes in the atmosphere inside the confined space. These risks may also contribute to an increase in accidents such as a slip, trip and fall.

Chemical reactions: The processes can produce products that react with the atmosphere within a confined space causing hazardous conditions. Cleaning with solvents or acids can generate vapors or fumes that are harmful to health. Similarly, the spray paint can create toxic fumes that cause serious health reactions or violent reaction with the atmosphere of the confined space.

Oxidation: oxidation processes such as oxidation of metals, putrefaction, decomposition and fermentation of organic materials can displace the oxygen within a confined space area. Special care should be taken in such atmospheres, because human breath combined with oxidation can rapidly reduce oxygen levels at lower levels than permitted.

Mechanical operations: operations within an area, such as welding, painting, cleaning, scraping or sanding, can create hazards. All of a sudden changes in temperature, combined with the appearance of smoke generated by methane gas or petrochemicals may create unstable environments that can produce volatile reactions. Parts Operations (telephone chambers, tunnels, etc..) Can produce significant levels of explosive or toxic gases, which displace the oxygen within a confined space.

inert Activities: Finally, blanketing non-flammable products such as carbon dioxide, helium and nitrogen can displace oxygen in the confined space. These products can also be combined with other materials within the space, creating hazardous substances.


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