Friday, December 30, 2011

Bonefish Discount Coupon


The main purpose of the HSE Management is to reduce the risk of corporate litigation. This is achieved by ensuring that companies comply with the relevant standards and helping to reduce the number of accidents in the workplace.


  • at all times ensure that the company complies with relevant regulations.

  • reduce the risk of litigation, to avoid costly legal procedures.

  • Optimize investment in compliance related topics.

  • Allow best practices to be shared easily within a company.

  • Improve corporate image by demonstrating commitment to Health and Safety issues and Environmental


Monday, May 16, 2011

Gay Cruising Parks Nyc

Yielding to public prominence

The Nissan Micra is a car that uses the space as well decided to give what was left of the banner so that people could sell your car. It was as simple as filling in the details of your car, miles and price and your tweet appeared in both the Micra's Twitter profile as in the banner.

Creativity agency Arab Emirates TBWA \\ RAAD, Dubai, gives new meaning to the banners, which many predict death.
With Ads of the World to show me.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Calgary Auto Auctions

How much you value your virtual life? You LinkedIn or Linkedout

Facebook Russian Roulette from Ilya on Malyanov Vimeo.
I never asked as I valued my virtual life, but now I know that I would play my Facebook profile to change to win 1 week in Russia.
Although it is tempting.
Very tempting.
I think a really cool action because both options are worth the trip and virtual life and also be able to do it with your friends and see how you lose ... Awesome idea of \u200b\u200bcreative school Miami Ad School Europe for Russian Standard Vodka .
Would you would play your virtual life to win a trip to Russia? Paul Carpenter
Thanks for show me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stars Broken Capillaries

LinkedUit. VW Passat. from on Vimeo .

The Volkswagen Passat is a car company par excellence, so to announce the new model had to go to one of the business par excellence, LinkedIn. Also so far we have not seen any application that would work with this professional network profiles, so it was time for something new. Dutch agency Achtung created this fun action LinkedUit LinkedIn where you allowed to compare your profile with your contact and who had high score for their education, experience, contacts, recommendations ... was worthy of a Volkswagen Passat. It's a shame it is in Dutch, but the drawings more or less understood. Feel like your contacts to compete against the Volkswagen Passat? Thanks to Mind
Zurda by

Monday, May 9, 2011

Brown Discharge With Kidney Infection

You are also playing in this football match

're not just a spectator, not only live football from the stands or friends, now Heineken Star Player lets you play, bet whether they will put goal or not, how long will shoot, who will win and all of them on the fly to score points and be the most knowledgeable of football, of course with badget included. Sometimes brands understand that being a sponsor of the UEFAChampions League is more than just putting the logo, in this case Heineken offering evey us a new way of live football and sharing, always share with this simple iPhone App sale on itunes or from facebook. An idea of \u200b\u200bthe interactive agency AKQA
Thanks to the Internet Be More to show me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Endeavour Sailboat Diagram

Explode Your Creativity

Each technological innovation opens a new door to thousands of ideas. That's the most incredible moment. Every day we discover something new in its time was the Stop Motion and when we began to think that we had seen everything comes the Brazilian agency Loducca and joins ParanoidBR producer to make the music does not stop at the MTV . As each balloon
a frame, had to pop 10 balloons per second (600 balloons per minute) via laser properly aligned on a track of 200 meters.
What I like is that when they started to roll did not know how it would work, because it had no reference was ever made, but pushed for the innovation and tenacity to overcome all obstacles and all the balloons exploded. Thank
by Creative Creature show me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silver City Theater Ottawa

Create a new sport to promote a beer

the night and play football until now were enemies, until the agency was Ogilvy Argentina and created the Budweiser Poolball for a new sport among football pool and may be accompanied by a beer, so they do not have to run, nor is there antidopping control.

I like it because it mixes two worlds that have included women players. Vale and sexist beer ads. What do you think? Would you play the Poolball? It can be fun.
With Publicist's Corner by show me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Church Anniversary Purpose

The need for creativity

Unemployment continues to rise and CV is stacked in human resource departments, so the suitors have begun to find ways to highlight and provoke the interview.
We CV virtual reality, in fact it is virtually impossible for many people

CV QR code which although less powerful, fully accessible, as anyone can generate a QR code linke video to a paper and can be seen through a Smartphone.

QR CODE - Content-rich Resume from Victor petit on Vimeo .

Technology joins the desperation to create unique pieces. "It sharpens the need for ingenuity? And how is the creativity? With
ReadWritewe b by
show me

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Break Wild Party

acute ear to the bird

A powerful image with a slight touch of humor and a head as clear as this: "Now on Twitter @ RSF_ES . The medium change, the truth remains. " The agency Saatchi & Saatchi , Spain returns us to the classic print advertising dramatically with this piece to Reporters Without Borders.
The print media has to change to survive, but I hope that journalists continue to be made on ... emphasize that we know what is really happening in the world and not what governments want to sell us.
With ChiquiAds by show me.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Schizophrenia Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Al duck fame can Willix

Willix got a million hits on You Tube, but back to reality in a patox4 was not a good idea. His life in a stagnant pond, without comment, no visits ... so come back Liberate Duck Willix. Is it a good idea? Will this virus as well as the other? The agency Publicis again for Joint Willix bet, but do not know, I see it very popular, like a million times viewed. What do you think?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Robert Stanley Collectionribbon

When will we see Electric cars on the roads?

Great fence
agency TBWA \\ Chiat \\ Day Los Angeles for Nissan Leaf, but it made me realize that we ever hearing about electric cars, the brands are coming to show models, but ... I have not seen one yet on the road. Do you know anyone who has an electric car? What about someone who is thinking of buying? I am extending the life of my car, not only because right now is fatal buy me one, also hope to replace it with a power that allows me to give me enough autonomy and security. And the battery is not as expensive as the car. What do you think? Thanks to
Gorda Annunciation by show me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mag Innovision Ah-777k Driver


According to OSHA's all work performed more than 1.8 feet above a lower level and in places where there are no permanent platform protected on all sides with rails and withholdings to prevent falls.

The drop in height may be due as much to human causes (eg poor physical condition, imbalances, dizziness, vertigo or simply lack of attention) as to material causes (lack of protective equipment, failure of supporting elements, soil wet, etc.)..

In some sectors, such as construction, falls aloft represent a high percentage of accidents with low during working hours and are between 20 and 30%, may be variations, depending on the year, and statistics.

Falls people at different levels leading to injuries usually are severe: approximately 20% of those are fatal accidents occur.

RISK FACTORS Risk factors that may lead to a fall in height will be many but the most common, very generic, can be summarized as follows:
- Scaffolding
- Scales and stairs, fixed ladder, other
- platforms, baskets high
- Pylons, poles, towers, columns and antennas
- wells, trenches, openings
- Roofs, decks, height inclines
- Trees
- Walls
- Cantilevers
- drop-offs
- Machines, lifting
- Deposit tanks, tanks
large pipes - Structure, shutters, porches
elevator shafts - Ramps


Harness: body restraint device, designed to stop a fall. It consists of bands, rings, buckles and adjustment items, adjusted well on the a person's body to hold it during a fall and then stop.

sling or gripping element: flexible line is fixed or variable length, with fasteners (carabiners), which is used to ensure the safety harness to a lifeline or fixed anchor point.

Life Line: a horizontal or vertical line stretched between two fixed anchor points to which the sling is secured mooring.

law under which protects the Safe Work at Heights:
• Resolution 2291 of 2010 . Issued by the Ministry Social Protection. Why extending the deadline laid down in Article 4 of Resolution 000736 of 2009 and other provisions
• 2009 Circular 070, issued by the Ministry of Social Protection, and instructions on procedures for working at heights.
Resolution 1938 of 2009 issued by the Directorate General of SENA, whereby amending Article 1 of Resolution 1486 of 2009.
Resolution 1486 of 2009 issued by the Directorate General of SENA, which sets guidelines for the implementation of Resolution 736 of 2009 issued by the Ministry of Social Protection on safe work at heights.
Resolution 736 of 2009 issued by the Ministry of Social Protection, which is modified by Resolution 3673 of 2008 and other provisions.
Resolution 3673 of 2008 issued by the Ministry of Social Protection, which establishes the Technical Regulations on Safe Work at Heights.

Brazilian Waxing Montreal

Pill 20: intelligent learning, a recommended reading

Miguel glanced his agenda, the week it seemed exciting. Without any doubt it was a Monday, a Monday like all those Monday his football teammates cursed. But it was different for Michael, in their daily work in the center, there was not a bad Monday or a Tuesday, bored, sleepy or a Wednesday or a Thursday tedious, not a heavy Friday. Miguel knew interesting Tuesday, Wednesday hard, worked Thursday and Friday inspiring. Mondays were otherwise, were Monday, at least, challenging.
well on the agenda and highlighted in red, were the tasks was to distribute and assign to each team members for planning the new museum of the city. On the occasion of the awarding of some land dedicated to public buildings, the city had organized a contest in order to turn the city into a reference of contemporary art, relating it to the tradition of their own artistic development in history and incorporated into the idiosyncrasies of their culture and unique geography. Miguel's team competed with other groups to offer the best program of exhibitions and study of different lines of the project to disseminate art and cultural museum.
The call of the project, managers showed them the plans of the building, the rooms at their disposal, the open space, restoration centers and other points of sale and trade. In the words of the organizers of contest was "a great outreach project that required a deep analysis of the major artistic currents of the twentieth century, knowledge of the history and evolution of labor, economic and social development of the area and ways of meeting that could be drawn between both, embodied in the coordination of projects and presentations of a unique architectural space. " With regard to artistic and historical analysis, these items should be delivered in a dossier, which was accompanied with a portfolio that illustrates the development and evolution of work and the overall concept for the museum, well-dated and noting the distribution of tasks and functions on the computer. In addition, second assessed the clarity and creativity on the day of the exhibition with a scale that was known in advance.
Miguel and his companions were put to work in your classroom, did not have much time, at eleven were the subject of communication, then "Reli" and afternoon tutoring and Physics. Yes, "Reli" and tutoring and Physics and "Slam Dunk" ... and all modules of a school, because Michael did not work for any design and communications company, but is studying at a college, a cutting edge center that you understand what it means to innovate and be a school in the XXI century.

In the past, the Montserrat School was a school like any other. Founded in 1926, is an educational institution entered the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. This book tells the story of this unique school of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich has become a landmark in the leading teaching of English education. If we end up once and for all school failure of our educational system, the first effective measure would be that all faculty of every school in Spain, read and comment on group experiences and methods that are narrated in this essential material.
is a true gift this book is printed and can be participants in the reading of the revolution has been told that a school, a day like any other, becomes a magical but real, where you learn building, but normally, with innovative methodology, but that is no longer new for your everyday driving, where teachers innovate and grow, but they are investigating new ways, where assessment is very hard, but students and are shared by the middle of the process at all times, where the twenty-first century education has become incarnate to show us that change is possible, but since the most sensible and profound humility.

Licencias De California

ingredient good, the bad and the ugly of viral

Already I toyed with the intent of viral Jennifer Aniston on the ingredients that make a normal video in a video that all encourage our friends and it receives millions of visitors. that ingredient is good as animals, children, the originality ... that bad as copy, do the usual ... and what the ugly, because the ugliness work. Right now
Skittles Touch video created by agency BBDO Toronto is the number one most watched videos and again shows that what matters is the creative idea, which is a little transgressive and with large doses of humor. What do you think? I like much more than Aniston. What about you?
With Ads of the world to show me

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dragonball Doujin Online

Movement in Google's Gmail

Google is beta testing the Gmail motion to send emails body movement. Instead of saying now command you, will now be the keyboard you are and really be fun to get up from the chair and able to move around, we never stop working. Did usaríais? I do, but it's a joke. A new craze of April's fools day that Americans love and me. So take the back from vacation with a little humor. With Direct Marketing by show me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lactose-intolerant More Condition_symptoms


The World Health Organization defines occupational health as a multidisciplinary activity that promotes and protects the health of workers.

Esta disciplina busca controlar los accidentes y las enfermedades mediante la reducción de las condiciones de riesgo, procurando el más alto grado de bienestar físico, mental y social en las diferentes actividades laborales donde se unen aspectos médicos, sociales, técnicos y jurídicos, adicionalmente busca establecer y mantener un medio ambiente de trabajo seguro y sano, con el fin de proporcionarle al trabajador un cargo y puesto de trabajo acorde con sus aptitudes físicas y psicológicas, teniendo en cuenta además la prevención de la contaminación y protección del medio ambiente.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Boson Netsim 6 Userguide


An enclosure is any confined space with limited openings for entry and exit and unfavorable natural ventilation, which can accumulate toxic or flammable contaminants or be oxygen deficient atmosphere, and is not designed for continuous occupancy by the worker.

risks in these areas are manifold, as well as the accumulation of toxic or flammable and lack of oxygen are added to those caused by the tight, uncomfortable working postures, limited lighting, etc. Another aspect is the amplification of some risks as in the case of noise, much higher al que un mismo equipo generaría en un espacio abierto, por la transmisión de las vibraciones.

En general se puede decir que los trabajos en recintos confinados conllevan una problemática de riesgos adicionales que obligan a unas precauciones más exigentes, todo lo cual se aborda en los apartados siguientes.

Una característica de los accidentes en estos espacios es la gravedad de sus consecuencias tanto de la persona que realiza el trabajo como de las personas que la auxilian de forma inmediata sin adoptar las necesarias medidas de seguridad, generando cada año víctimas mortales. El origen de estos accidentes es el desconocimiento de los riesgos, debido en la mayoría de las ocasiones a falta training and training, and poor communication on the status of the installation and safe conditions in which operations are performed.

the following areas are typically classified as confined spaces, and should be treated with caution:

Storage tanks, bilges, defatting Sinks, Sewers, Manholes, Tunnels, Vaults - Underground Shelter, Reactors, Silos, Bunkers , grain elevators, mixers, water tanks with top opening, water tower, tank wagon, Decanters Pools Of Blood In Refrigerators

may be areas that are included in this list which have characteristics of a confined space, so it must be treated as such with all necessary safety precautions.

What makes a confined space is dangerous? The points listed below, create dangers in a confined space.

previously stored products: Confined spaces used for storage of petroleum products, chemicals or other substances, can often absorb or retain the material in their walls. When the container is emptied for maintenance, cleaning or other purposes, this material can surface absorbed through Roasted wall changing the composition of the atmosphere within the container.

loss or accidental spills: Spills or accidental loss of substances such as ammonia, acetylene, acids, and even water can create a variety of hazards within a confined space. These substances may generate fumes and vapors can cause reactions that can create sudden changes in the atmosphere inside the confined space. These risks may also contribute to an increase in accidents such as a slip, trip and fall.

Chemical reactions: The processes can produce products that react with the atmosphere within a confined space causing hazardous conditions. Cleaning with solvents or acids can generate vapors or fumes that are harmful to health. Similarly, the spray paint can create toxic fumes that cause serious health reactions or violent reaction with the atmosphere of the confined space.

Oxidation: oxidation processes such as oxidation of metals, putrefaction, decomposition and fermentation of organic materials can displace the oxygen within a confined space area. Special care should be taken in such atmospheres, because human breath combined with oxidation can rapidly reduce oxygen levels at lower levels than permitted.

Mechanical operations: operations within an area, such as welding, painting, cleaning, scraping or sanding, can create hazards. All of a sudden changes in temperature, combined with the appearance of smoke generated by methane gas or petrochemicals may create unstable environments that can produce volatile reactions. Parts Operations (telephone chambers, tunnels, etc..) Can produce significant levels of explosive or toxic gases, which displace the oxygen within a confined space.

inert Activities: Finally, blanketing non-flammable products such as carbon dioxide, helium and nitrogen can displace oxygen in the confined space. These products can also be combined with other materials within the space, creating hazardous substances.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Planetary Pinball- Funbrain

pill 19: Tips for Parents analog digital pill

In his fourteen years Yumi could not finish the math homework a week. Wanted ... but could not. It's been a week of infarction. It all started when ... A moment! The huge Yumi wristwatch is vibrating, just when he was about to clarify what the duties! The display of colors phosphorescent unfold on his wrist, a series of strange symbols, a mixture of Egyptian and Hebrew alphabet, you do the math again forget to leave an orphan on the table ... The life of a twenty-first century superadolescente is very complicated! Before you can avoid bulky alarm clock, Yumi introduces an unintelligible code that wakes up a huge hologram drawing the features of one of his best friends. Aladdin's genius has never disappeared, just been remastered. Yumi has a new mission, tells Aelita from the central supercomputer that XANA, the virus that tries to gain control of the digital world to conquer the real world, is launching a new wave of attacks in Lyoko. Yumi is very clear, you must re-enter Code Lyoko to save our reality, a world of interconnected lives immersed bites between us and with which we are intimately linked ... mathematics will have to wait.

; Generation Interactive global generation, interconnected generation, millennial generation, generation communication ... the younger generation of today in a nutshell, is to be defined as its predecessors grown in the time-being, by the cartoon series and draw trump reality. The rabbit Alicia imperial and delayed launches lightning and responds to the name of Pikachu, "Hundreds of Pokemon are everywhere," says its new ad campaign. While the game emphasizes brand augmented reality, mixed virtual and real, a prelude to Lyoko. The map of the Mayan heritage is a circuit rule that rewrites Dora in each chapter, the door to reading interconnected and parallel worlds that opened in Michael Ende The Neverending Story is back to wake Gormiti lords of nature, the Edebits fighting for the preservation of nature ... gone are the Koala Fruitis and Mowgli. Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny have been sent to the spatial world of the future. The Trotamúsicos have become in high definition with The Titirimúsicos and even the Fox has pledged his sword to fight against criminals in power and bought a Z-phone and a Z-touch, no kidding! Ask your children and students by Zorro, Generation Z Only Caillou and The Triplets remain on the display of analog and have their days counted, because the three-dimensional Pocoyo and irreverent and innovative underwater world of SpongeBob represent better than anyone that approaches. "Who lives in the pineapple under the sea?" The song says, the working group Four television has been launched to place the crab in the night when most child viewers to connect to the mound, which as you can not be otherwise-his name is 2.0. Do you hide your child in the pineapple under the sea? Sorry, it's all full, Patricio rented the last apartment. We live in a time of the most "in": uncertainty, networking, innovation. I do not say, nor what sociologists say, I say cartoons your children watch.

, In the world of communication, the screens are windows that open our homes to the world. Globalization, which was launched in economic transactions and bank accounts, has materialized in the day to day, throughout the universe that create screens and language developed by the network itself. In any communication there is a transmitter, a receiver, a channel, a code and a message. Internet has opened a channel huge, overwhelming, between issuers and human receptors, which according to research from Stanford University, has been reduced to l theory of six degrees of separation from Hungarian Frigyes Karinthy , only four and a half. You are so only four people to jump start a conversation with Obama, with Zapatero, with Uma Thurman, with Bon Jovi .... our students well.
The world of the younger generations is a world of communication and access, Internet banner. The same Internet that has revolutionized the north of Africa, the music industry, film and photography alike and has come to reality to stay. A borderless digital world with the real, as in Code Lyoko forces us to be intimately related. The network opens on our screens is a simple map for our students, as a daily path Dora the Explorer. Meanwhile, for parents looking for answers in order to protect minors online, is configured as a labyrinth with the Minotaur lurking virus. Disruption of technology has pushed educators and parents to guide him in a way that considered modern but cold, powerful, yet individualistic, virtual but unreal, compared to normal perceive small but simple, close but socially, digital but true. We passed each other on the path of education to be guides, old-fashioned pedagogues Greek companions on the road, but remastered in digital trail. What to do, where do you start? I offer 10 keys with 2 very simple ideas based perennial: it is not to protect, but to accompany and is not looking from the sidelines, but to enable us to train.

1. Teach technology with technology: capacitive to accompany them. not look at them, join. Sit next to her and asks you to open an account at Spotify, use the wikipedia and find the free tools from Google. Lessons learned. In pill number 17: more than protect, to accompany you are online! propose a simple route to enjoy the potential of networking and communication. Without getting wet, no one can learn to swim. For the adventurous surfers more action here in

2. The greatest risk is to live off. Internet is a communication channel that is used for many tasks and is in constant process of redefinition. So does speed, which distributes videos and the daily press. There is no denying the connection to a younger generation which studies the OECD in 2006, led by Andreas Schleicher, have an eighty percent chance of working with a computer. Digital competence is no longer a medium in itself, is also an end of the educational process and yet can only be achieved and so if used as a medium. More reasons in the publications section of

3. Tune in for one reason: the network is a tool to an end. Browse aimlessly is the first of the major problems for any sailor. Browsing aimlessly are more likely to get lost in storms. It is important to maintain a clear picture: Now I log on to send a message on facebook, now I log on to refer to wikipedia, now I log on to read the paper, now I log on to listen to music, I never connect to anything. The medium is the message. clear things

4. Create routine visits, use what interests you. Learn how to set a bar of favorite pages in the browser you use and hold it always in sight. These are the charts of your family for excellence connect. Collect new ideas

5. Go to the source, contact, who we are and where we are. No shop or physical space can give as much information as offered by the websites, but we must do right questions. Research on the "Contact" page is asking a virtual accreditation. Get used to create this routine in doubt. You are advised more

6. Manages connection times and the physical. If you connect with a purpose and to carry out a task or work fun can not last forever "There is life outside the internet" we tell the children. "There is life in the internet" we mean it. Find out in Http://

7. The identity is unique our students tell us that what is happening in reality is going on the screen, educators teach that what is happening on the screen also happens in reality.

8. Surf without a trace: your data is yours. Learn from the English Agency for Data Protection, then you make it very clear: https: / /

9. Internet is a screen remember that people are a reflection / image / picture, there you are your image. clearer water

10. Finally, I leave you with a game of trivial digital learning because the learner is, above all, agent active and not passive victims.

Monday, March 28, 2011

How Long Is Cervix Open Before Period Starts

18: how to open our schools to the KNOWLEDGE and innovation?

The fifteenth century was a time of creative ferment in the history of our civilization. In the middle stage Renaissance invented the very close future helicopters and flying machines are conceived drawing in perspective with the introduction of a new axis in the plane structure, adding depth to the sketches and architectural schemes, the popular Construction the first model of the Gutenberg printing press and with it the impression, I hardly dare say-editing more than one book a month quickly and Modena Renaissance! With these and other wonders of human invention knowledge took its first steps becoming more popular, more accessible, closer to people. However, a century later in the same press created in the workshop of Gutenberg, Machiavelli published The Prince declaring that "there is nothing more difficult to carry out anything whose success is more doubtful, nothing more difficult to manage that the fact initiate a new order of things. The reformer has enemies in all who benefited from the old order and only lukewarm defenders by those who would benefit by the new order. " Human beings are inherently paradoxical.
For many historians, now we have a new flowering of innovation and Renaissance court. Each time we learn more about brain function, or emotions and concentration, we are connected to the world at just a click away and have access to a wealth of information network. These changes, to mention the fundamentals are present in day to day, changing our relationship and the way we think or how we learn. However, today as in the past, there are "Machiavellian" who took advantage of the media critics, broadcast messages. To a greater or lesser extent we are all aware that we live in a world governed by the sense of change, born in the speed of inventions that overwhelm us. This feeling of uncertainty, such as dizziness, vertigo produced by the skyscrapers, is clear evidence of progress disappointment, a disappointment to innovation played in many institutions, including schools. The "Machiavellian" in this stunned by the rush of progress, relate the rapid changes that spill into the environment with the fear of change in themselves and in institutions. Adaptation and flexibility, ie, the response to change are probably the most important elements that leaders must foster in your organization. The challenge for institutions able to adapt to these rhythms is crucial, especially when it comes to the school that is educating the future that awaits us all.
In a recent interview, Maalof Amin said that "the disturbances we are enduring are the effects of cultural and civilizational exhaustion we lived" . At the same time, Edgar Morin has made two crucial factors in this line. The first factor is called "developer" and the other "filmmaker." For the first witness to a reality that did not know previously, the second is triggered by "a movement of forces and not just decay, disruption and destruction, but forces of change that provides the right moment for innovation, construction and inventions" . When everything changes one must learn to unlearn. The school is the first institution and social organization that receives humans. The schools are the main creators of human institutions. We are the creators of the future. Everything that happens in the future is happening today in our classrooms. Think of the future in the society in which our students will grow. We need to prepare students for the world we will live and the world begins in the organization of our institutions. How to organize and plan the structure of our education is the essence of our institution that our education comes from the center. How we organize ourselves is a reflection of how we are. What forces of innovation, progress and change are affecting the way we organize our schools? One inevitably faster the information revolution. Almost everyone is sure that is taking place with unprecedented speed and its effects will be more radical than anything that has happened before. Both in its speed and its effects, the information revolution mysteriously resembles its two predecessors ... Paseémonos by the dawn of a couple of centuries after the Renaissance. In the first industrial revolution, James Watt improved the steam engine in the mid-1770, but this progress did not produce many social and economic changes until the invention of the line railway in 1829. Similarly, the invention of computers in the mid 1940's, was 40 years later, with the expansion of the Internet in early 1990, which initiated the information revolution to achieve great economic and social changes. We are called to communication. New technologies are information technologies and communication. Through interpersonal and institutional relations between educational institutions, schools socialize, share information, experiences and experiences, join forces and flow into a large formal knowledge platform that improves the whole institution. And so as innovation occurs when knowledge flows is exchanged and combined. Innovation is not fed by the storage of knowledge, but his constant movement. We are called to create networks of schools. The evolution of our institutions is sharing and communicating. We need educational communities.

Worldwide, every economy is connected with the rest, all are linked networks in many ways, including financially, other people and places that may not ever visited. The future is in the network and network share. No knowledge of complex networks without the network, there is no improvement on the stage of the global world is not of the interconnections of globalization, there is no advance in knowledge unrelated science. Today no means work individually: the global world in which we live calls us to collaborate on the one hand, with other institutions, to build bridges to strengthen the work we do. The management of innovation in education today is a process, first, organization and this organization is embodied in the experience and relationships between institutions. The bricks of these relationships between institutions are in turn, the relations between the teams, equipment ownership and educators. No institution is better than the sum of the teachers or the management teams that compose it and in fact, in many cases, the collective is smarter and more likely to ensure success, the work or ideas of the most intelligent person group. The design of the organization and method of operation of an educational institution directly affect their ability to innovate, so the middle column of the schools are improving organizational processes embodied in an educational project to set key lines create its own organizational culture of each institution; because what counts is the way and the direct involvement of management teams and teachers, rather than the end point in this sense, organizational culture is extraordinarily important.
Finally, innovative educational institutions to expand their knowledge base and displaying it in new directions. This means test and daring internally and create conditions conducive to the learning of individuals. Schools can only improve as they do their teachers and then only if we create the institutional conditions to promote good relationships and respect the teaching profession and the membership of our centers. I am convinced that our schools have teachers who want to talk and present their findings and experiences, ultimately, grow and share their experiences. The training of teachers should focus on practical skills , migrating from the theoretical to skills development under the support of the management teams that can make even the functions of "coaches" at conferences and in the classroom. The creation of a network of centers allows us to create a model of support and professional advice with faculty, and network management teams give meaning to the term teaching career and the creation of models of supervision, support and coaching among teachers and trainers of trainers.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sorry Message Looks Like Spam Or Phish To Me Op

pill 17: more than protect, monitor, you're online!

worth not deny it, we live in times of revolution. The first decade of the century laid the foundation for the continuous generation of information, while the 2011 has been to exploit the rapid communication and the elimination of intermediaries, but just ask Julian Assange. "Welcome to a world without certainties and titled the past Sunday one of its spectacular columns Vicente Verdú, to describe a world of local and global, extremely interconnected, mobile and wireless and innovation as saving belief. Moises Naim, from his armchair observer virtual global-back this word, "was added, without knowing it, the thesis Verdú, presenting a varied cast of studies Yale University, which relate to the famous American presenter Oprah Winfrey with the GDP of the country, the amount of exports in China, increasing grants to Haiti or the commodification of women's figure of success ... When Oprah butterfly flaps its wings vibrate the world, globalization we connected and the vehicle technology in social networks are increasing the speed. Twitter is the wave that transforms the flapping of a butterfly in global hurricane. The global and the local produce global crystallizes in each locality. We are "glocal." Our students and our children the most.
The revolution rages in the world and the social networks and other digital tools we serve it on internet screen within our own homes. Across the Mediterranean thousands protesters chanted the Egyptian revolution broadcast on Facebook and Twitter. Today, with the rise of corporations, tyrants leaders do not release their anger against ration cards or water supply, follow protocols to placate comprehensive and well-informed democracy, the first thing cut is the umbilical cord that binds them the democratic world: the Internet. The digital blackout as a weapon has become destructive, which layer will and ability to organize people and has placed the revolutions in North Africa in a movement that dominated the world is astounding, no analyst or insightful guru nostradamus this century had predicted similar global dynamic. The network promotes and takes the pulse of the time in the surprise, the revolution and connection.
touch you live in interesting times, gives an old Chinese curse. From global to local, traveled by train to Pamplona reading about the news on the videos uploaded to Youtube clandestinely, protesters in Libya. At my side, mother and son discussed. He, about 12 years, want more cookies. She, quite young, you think you have had enough. There is a first warning in the guerrilla to appease the child, under the guise of wry gesture others traveling on the train, diplomats traveling companions. I'm still writing, the landscape in the window is a portrait of Castilla desert to Libya. Second notice threatening the child. Meanwhile, observe the system tanks advancing on the protesters. In an explosion on youtube, the child turns on the seat and struggles with the packet of biscuits in the hands of his mother, the result is crumbs flying in all directions. Embassies in Libya touch with its citizens, on the train all look the other way. The whole week without internet is punished the final sentence of the young mother. The result: a child who bites stunned lips with his arms folded, frowning to avoid an unsuccessful shameful tears spill children online sliding down her cheeks. At the end of travel, games for my iphone consoled him a few minutes ...
The world has expanded network and the network, they know the Libyan demonstrators seeking democracy , ears, accomplices, channels, output, information, freedom, and rights organization, and he knows the 12 year old preteen use it for entertainment, duties, their tastes, communication, music, movies, download, blog, photos, newspaper, jobs, sport and the constant question. Many of us left in the middle, authors and creators, critics and skeptics and a very special group, parents and guests, who have taken the train in motion but in the caboose and feel as the largest network to expand, they become entangled, with the mitigation of being forced to be the guardians of their children in a new world, digital, they crave cold and dispassionate. Educators and parents attending school meetings and meetings for answers and offer them more questions about security, with police as speakers who speak crime and punishment, privacy, sexting, and cyberbullying raising the flag of protection. Who does not want to protect? me too, but not well.
If by now you read this page guess I would like to invite you to join a different perspective . I also am interested in the minors online, but I think the best way is the occupation and not worry, technology training for parents, shared discovery of benefits and hazards and the accompaniment, rather than protection. It is not just to protect, but to accompany, to learn and be taught. If you dare, I propose a simple 3-step route with 10 small actions performed over each, not all mandatory, goes and bites you want, but do not stay hungry. The message you expect to read as a parent or educator will come in the last and profundizaré more about it in the next entry, now I can only outline 10 basic ideas. You can read it and if you like, but its effect only works when you have participated in previous levels. Before the council, savoring the first two steps and we are within a couple of weeks to delve into the past. It is what it is learning! It is experiential, active and in need of time and interest, however, the result is well worth the experience of being alive and participating in the pace of our world.

1. Discover your potential: the world grows in the network.

1. Do you like movies? Become a movie producer only:

2. Want to be a musician? If you make your first steps, working with the plan b Carlos Jeans, or if you prefer to hear new talent sound tracks http://www. For those who want to keep up

3. Reading and solidarity are they compatible? Discover how to: or if you know English and you like music, knows the initiative "Poomplamose music" in http://richmondbookdrive. com

4. Tired of plastic fruit that does not know anything, you want to revitalize and vitaminizarte every morning: or http://

5. Test your talent as a writer: edit your own book in

6. lights Turn off the TV and internet, learns wisdom pills (with subtitles) that moves the world in all areas in or Take a pill for beginners, the number 16.

7. If you know English and want to learn the best free World University, the MIT of Massachusetts makes it easy to / or prefer to join the college for parents of Jose Antonio Marina:

8. Thinking an inexpensive gift, but nice, special and different, look for a better deal on amazon or ebay, compare the views of experts or let you rain down the various offers of

9. Thinking about going on holiday with all the amenities of a house inhabited? Change home and trading cards for a month in or

10. for the more adventurous and goes around the world without leaving the couch by

2. Get the taste: find your place.

Easy level
1. Ask the wikipedia, make it your home page, check a newspaper or all of their covers in and find out about your favorite movies http://www .
2. Prepare the itinerary of a trip with Google Maps, download and travels the world by Google Earth or view the human body in 3D with Google Anatomy.
3. Audiovisual program your sessions with your favorite radio and TV in the TV to the letter of You choose the schedule and choose the program, the screen is yours.

Average level
4. Enter the website of Spotify and Register for an account. Download the program on your computer and get ready to enjoy all-the-world-music, literally.
5. Sign up on YouTube and let you see only the videos that appear on the home page how? Think about what interests you, enter, search and subscribe to channels you like youtube to see only what you choose.
6. D blogs iscover major trends in the web of your favorite newspaper and subscribe to your entries either by email or RSS. If you want to discover new blogs elsewhere and beginners network in or reading through communities like and would lead to the person with the best options for the author of the 2011 Weblogs Awards or prizes Espiral Edublogs 2011.

Advanced (so that you accompany your children, probably)
7. Install iTunes on your computer, is free. Put up and the options of the columns on the left goes into iTunes Store. Once inside subscribe to the podcast of the topics that interest you, there are thousands from all major radio and TV programs, up comedy series specifically for this format. Enjoy and learn.
8. If you have Gmail account, and set yourself a home page with iGoogle, its thousands of applications, Google Calendar and GoogleDocs, ask a teenager if in doubt.
9. Log in Twitter, create an account and follow people you admire or find the Twitter on the websites of people they can learn in your professional life. Start by listening and watching other contributors, presents and then we will contribute. You know and learn by people like Arturo Perez Reverte, Obama, Álex de la Iglesia and Enrique Dans or institutions like the Ministry of Education, your phone company or European projects in the eTwining.
10. part in a course on-line mode and share tasks in their forums, there are thousands of free and paid options.

Plus: if you have not had enough learning from the best: read some of friendly screens and download the documents free of generations interactive forum.

3. Sit down beside her, accompany them to grow together.
1. The greatest risk is to live off.
2. Tune for a reason: the network is a tool to an end.
3. The learner is an active agent and no passive victim.
4. teaches technology with technology: capacitive to accompany them.
5. visits Create routines, use what interests you.
6. Go to the source, contact, who we are and where we
7. Manage connection times and the physical.
8. The identity is unique: our students teach us that what is happening in reality is happening on screen, educators teach that what is happening on the screen also happens in reality
9. Browse without a trace: Your information is yours.
10. Internet is a screen: people are a reflection / image / picture, there you are your image.