Thursday, September 9, 2010

Left Abdominpain More Condition_symptoms

The concept of occupational disease originates in the need to distinguish between diseases that randomly affect the whole population, those that arise or develop as a result of work done by one person, because: Because
  • generate rights and responsibilities different stakeholders.
  • Because it allows preventive measures to regulate workplace safety and means to reduce or eliminate its occurrence.

To attribute the professional nature of a disease is necessary to consider some basic elements which distinguishes them from common diseases:

Agent: There must be an agent in the work environment for its properties can produce damage to health.

Conditions: In some cases the agent may be the conditions or characteristics of the job.

Exhibition: be demonstrated that the affected employee or agent was exposed to hazardous working conditions that were capable of causing damage to your health.

Disease: disease must be clearly defined in its entirety clinical anatomical - pathological and therapeutic, or injury to body or workers exposed to agents or conditions outlined above.

Causality: There must be evidence of a clinical, pathological, experimental or epidemiological, taken alone or concurrently, that establish a sense of cause and effect, between defined disease and presence at work.

In a large majority of cases it is difficult to establish the presence of the elements discussed above and in order to establish clearly the professional nature of an illness suffered by a worker, some of the reasons are:

Biological differences : In relation to the same pathogenic risk or work status, not all workers get sick and those who do not get sick all at the same time and with the same intensity.

Multicausality: The same disease can have several causes or factors at work and outside work operating at the same time contributing to its onset.

Clinical : Most diseases have no specific clinical symptoms which allows for a particular job.

exposure conditions: The same agent may have adverse effects differ depending on the conditions of exposure and route of entry into the body.

As the determination of the possibility that the illness of a worker or group has a professional job can be difficult, are set by laws and regulations in many countries certain standards, definitions and lists of hazards that make it more viable this determination. Among them are:

Agent List: This list contains all the chemical, physical, biological and working conditions that are known reasonably capable of producing damage to health.

exposure levels: A summary of the levels and time of exposure to pathogens that are considered safe in the workplace. It can include physical load limits permitted etc.

Diseases: Sets Tables Clinical attributable to each of the agents of the list should be well defined, both in clinical and anatomic characterization of pathological and clearly referred to the type of exposure that occurs and the time between exposure and onset of symptoms and signs .


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