Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Welcome Address Sample

What Is An Occupational Health Program? COLOMBIA LAW

involves planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of all activities designed to preserve, maintain and improve individual and community health workers to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.

The main objective of Occupational Health program is to provide security, protection and care of employees in the performance of their work.

The increase in accidents, some more serious than others, due inter alia to changes in technology or poor employee training, to use material handling delicate inadequate infrastructure and to some extent by human failure, make it necessary that any company can have a manual to provide guidance to minimize these risks and set the protocol to follow in case of accidents.

An occupational health program must have the basic elements to meet these objectives, which include general information on accident prevention, medical evaluation of employees, the investigation of accidents occurring and a training and outreach program standards to avoid them.




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