Monday, October 5, 2009

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Grow: not only be higher or larger, but also find the little things everyday and from there project ourselves so that together we make all our dreams.

Being yourself: is look within our hearts, which is the real return to the depths of one, and not hide what we feel or who we are.

Love and be Loved: Love is the sentiment that crosses all barriers and overcome all obstacles. Each family must open wide the doors of his soul to that love is installed in each of its members and can be given without conditions.

Dialogue: is much more to tell in words what happens to us. Dialogue also means understanding that sad look, smile at the right time or taking a warm and tender embrace, saying, "I'm with you."

Trust: is knowing that at home we will always find serenity and calm to any problem that we have to solve.

respected: is when we accept the same and any difference especially when installed in the home. Remember that each individual is a unique person and that differences may also join.

Care: otherwise not be aware of what can happen to those who want and are part of my family.

fun: is find a space, "that space" where everyone can laugh till you drop, run to infinity and share it with others. Remember that what we do with our family can be a "plan" very funny.

defend ourselves: Defender of growing up in what I have and above all, appreciate it. At home we always find "the testimony" more genuine and warm about life and all those questions that worry us.
Be happy: If we were able to read this Decalogue family, and decided to implement it, is a good sign that we are on track to achieve the welfare of the family, and thus , we choose to be happy with who we want.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz


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