Tuesday, October 20, 2009

South Park On Quicktime

BY: Manuel Lule

Between cheers, live and the audience cheers shook with each invocation of the victory, the war drums loud announce the recognition of the best and the cries of the youth themselves not cease to ring while trying to regain order to hear the names of the winners, no doubt is the party of youth, which fits the skills of cultural activities organized by the Morelos CECYTA, technology research center.

there I was sitting in a chair in the auditorium located on the resort Oaxtepec accompanied by some renowned personalities of culture and the world of letters in Morelos, the varied disciplines in which the boys made every effort longed to win the medal were: chess, dance, recitation, sculpture and painting, short story and poetry without missing the song thus aims to provide young people with a passion and love for their culture, roots and improved techniques to express their most intimate feelings.

This review is not intended to be more than an incentive and engine for all those young people who have dared to express the greatness of his being through the various multidiscipline art since his time and environment have made to be slaves debauchery and wasted time that alienates their minds and induce self-destruction.

emotions, nerves to compete the sweat and emotion are seen on the faces of young little to his 20 years of age are willing to be tested for may be a place at nationals where they really have to make full use of their talents, body and management appropriate discipline, many of our young people lack the momentum, all who take refuge in the band to commit an unlawful act, or worse ... even those who seek a pretext to come together to share the use of drugs, alcohol and conversations around a culture of death without a job or benefits, just mention the case of goth, cholos, skateboarders and emos, to name a few suburban groups reported in our environment.

One by one is passing before our eyes by making use of their skills, if this was my participation as a juror in the discipline of declamation and oratory. We must admire their gestures, memory capacity, management expressed in gestures and especially his passion for making the words of a poet or perhaps some of his advisers are talking about speech issues.

all make a great effort and scale scores as rungs on a ladder that is directed towards its success, the improvement of yourself or your intellectual development, and so they advance the hours as it approaches the time desired by all ... the awards ceremony.

Government officials, teachers and administrators and staff members of the jury and logistics, we are all anxious about the time. One by one, are referred to our youth, our children, the future of our state and nation, those who in some years will have to take the reins of this world and where they are placing all our hopes for our state, a different place that we have left them as adults.

Youth divine treasure, "say the writer ... resonates in our mind and heart to see the joy of the clubs of each school at the end of competition, after the ceremony the way home, let my fellow jurors commenting and I as it has awakened in our minds the experience of events.

As this longing for all our young people dianbulan and offenders on our streets, as we want the graffiti to understand that between graffiti and paint a big difference as respect, desire and striving for perfection, that corruption our beautiful English language calls for the urgent rescue, when we shout a mouth without the slightest desire for a good expression, walk instead of destroying and vandalism by young hands transform the metal, clay and plasticine to to admire the splendor of creativity, in short, it takes a lot to to bring to heel our young people today, but if we begin to strengthen our culture through training, experience and integrity of life sooner or later we will outline to the extermination of human beings.

Art is passion but with knowledge, cultural values \u200b\u200bare rooted in the splendor of our traditions, and discipline is a tough race every day to perfecting the art and practice of what we improve and get the best ourselves as is the creativity and talent. Well

to CECYTA Morelos and other organizations who promote and support ways to generate these beautiful expression of art and culture, and those who still do not make the effort in their schools, to be diligent in potentiating the best that we have in our youth, our children, our future entrepreneurs ... in good time and congratulations.
Winners List CECYTA

Celeste Morales Santiago
Zaira Sandra Cordova Ponce
Marlene Zamora Balbuena

Poetry Rubi Figueroa Escarlet
Short Story
Anahi R. Briones Canto

Iván Sánchez Torres Uriel Painting

Dorantes Israel Rivera Emiliano
Mario Bustos
Emmanuel Chess
Aragón Javier Carrillo
Mario Diaz Jimenez
Dance Tenextepango

Juan M. V. Dominguez Dance

Ernesto Hernández Contreras Dance Tenextepango

Luis Jairo Hernández Alvarez
Julio Daniel Genis
Catalan Dance Tenextepango

Luis Armando Cervantes Vazquez
Alejandro de la Cruz Jiménez
Jesus Sanchez Vivas
M. Martín Martínez Dance

Carmi Mileidy Mantilla Dominguez
Solis Perez Fatima Dance Tenextepango

Jasmine Cortes
Romano Dance
Izamar Mary Castillo
Consuelo Ramírez Pardo


Aragon Paloma Torres Dance
Díaz María Reyna Suarez Dance Tenextepango

Kendy Santos Sánchez
Carolina Flores R. Dance

Areli Sanchez Maldonado

Escorts Sofia Areli Maldonado Yañez

Escorts Karina Flores Villalva
Alma Delia Pacheco Mendieta
Vianey Galeana Zavala
escorts Angelica Maldonado Campos

Atziri Viridiana Gallardo Molina

Entre Familia Soy Feliz

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gifts For Stroke Patient


Entre Familia Soy Feliz

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sore Shoulders Cancer

Educate your children with a little hungry and a little cold-FAMILY BETWEEN

The love we have for our children we often tend to forget that blind us and make them happy in the long run. It is very common these days that parents, especially those of certain economic resources, we build an imaginary world out of a Walt Disney tale. When later rather than sooner, the story ends, our children face a world that know, do not understand, full of traps and dead ends, who can not overcome, and the consequences are worse than they wanted to avoid.

recently the image of a father with tears in her eyes the whole world was deeply moved. Pele, the soccer idol recent times, who unlike other occasions, gave a press conference of the saddest and most painful of his life: His son, Edson, 35, was arrested along with 50 others in the city of Santos, Brazil.
Pele's son was charged with drug conspiracy and may be sentenced to 15 years in prison. With tears in his eyes, former Brazilian footballer admitted publicly that his son was involved in a gang of cocaine traffickers arrested by police, Pele told the media: "like any parent, it is sad to see your son involved in groups like that and be arrested, but he will have suffer the consequences. " He added, "unfortunately, I probably was too busy and I did not realize. It is unfortunate, because I've always fought against drugs and did not notice what was happening in my own house. "
Pelé is a global character as an athlete admirable and honest man who never lost his humility as other sports figures. However, it is sad that a good man and talented as he is 'distracted' in its most important move:
training of their children.

Pele's story is not an isolated event. Unfortunately the lives of hundreds of parents in these times caught in a saturated agenda and work outside the home. Compensate parents who neglect their children with material goods. Enroll them in the best schools, surrounded by luxury and comfort and with that I think they did their job as parents, when all they have done is to make children know hunger, and throw what they dislike. Children tyrants and arrogant little monsters unbearable to suffer and cause suffering to their peers because since childhood have gotten away with it.

boys who think they feel cold or hot air is a matter of conditioning, which have felt the fatigue simply walk a few blocks because they did not find parking in front of the club, boys who think the job of parents is to sign checks for them to have everything they crave. What chance have our children become men and women, if parents give them everything and will not educate them?
What children we are training our attitude if we show that money is the most important thing in life?
Confucius said, "Educate your children with a little hungry and a little cold."
'Proverbs' states' Discipline your children. " How well do parents to children when they put that maxim so simple in practice. And how much damage they do to put them all on a silver platter.
There are many realities that as parents we would disappear, the suffering of children, excessive sweating, stress, and economic hardship. However, these realities may not make them happy for now, but eventually they can make men and women as well.
Hopefully more parents is a concern to learn where to walk their children. They will not get to pass that when time should have read: "I was too busy and I did not realize." 'You take care now possible, that God will take for you to do the impossible. "

Internet Excerpt
Entre Familia Soy Feliz

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Entre Familia Soy Feliz

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Grow: not only be higher or larger, but also find the little things everyday and from there project ourselves so that together we make all our dreams.

Being yourself: is look within our hearts, which is the real return to the depths of one, and not hide what we feel or who we are.

Love and be Loved: Love is the sentiment that crosses all barriers and overcome all obstacles. Each family must open wide the doors of his soul to that love is installed in each of its members and can be given without conditions.

Dialogue: is much more to tell in words what happens to us. Dialogue also means understanding that sad look, smile at the right time or taking a warm and tender embrace, saying, "I'm with you."

Trust: is knowing that at home we will always find serenity and calm to any problem that we have to solve.

respected: is when we accept the same and any difference especially when installed in the home. Remember that each individual is a unique person and that differences may also join.

Care: otherwise not be aware of what can happen to those who want and are part of my family.

fun: is find a space, "that space" where everyone can laugh till you drop, run to infinity and share it with others. Remember that what we do with our family can be a "plan" very funny.

defend ourselves: Defender of growing up in what I have and above all, appreciate it. At home we always find "the testimony" more genuine and warm about life and all those questions that worry us.
Be happy: If we were able to read this Decalogue family, and decided to implement it, is a good sign that we are on track to achieve the welfare of the family, and thus , we choose to be happy with who we want.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz

Funny Marriage Invites

family to share OUR RAZA BRONZE Resolving conflicts

By: Manuel Lule

The day is sunny and in the yard waving from atop our flag of patriotism Labari Mexicans, three hundred drums resonate in unison and two hundred trumpets its rolls no longer express the powerful lungs of men saved the guns of the salute to indicate the highest representatives of the army and the distinctive uniforms and the colorful banners paraded before our eyes filled with tears when touching the most sensitive fibers in the hearts of those we are witnessing now, the tanned skins of our fellow stained by the relentless fight against drug trafficking in the thick jungles of our vast territory, reminiscent of our race bronze Aztec warriors stunned the army of Cortez. It is our heroic army who has taken the battle against drug traffickers, kidnappers own army deserters, terrorists and guerrilla leaders who are hell-bent to make our Mexico ... an insecure Mexico charged with violence fueled by crime, away from family values, life and the homeland itself.

Then I found myself on Thursday September 10, 2009 in one of the most controversial of our federal district I mean the "field Mars" which we know little and saved himself a myriad of events surrounding the militia, at 9:00 in the morning a committee of members of the White movement and some sub-area directors of education, members of society Civil different states of the republic, we made an appearance to give special recognition to our armed forces occasion to remember the casualties and absence of those "heroes" who have fallen into this constant struggle that our country is fighting against organized crime .

this act is most resonant words in a brief speech of Dr. Guillermo Velasco Arsac, who acknowledged with grateful hearts, the actions in which our heroic army has demonstrated its patriotism in the face of these events with poise and courage, human losses and actions that are being made by the families of the fallen, and also could not to mention the hard work of rescue and relief to citizens in the difficult times of disaster, which is always applauded by all who have looked closely the actions of our men to the crisis in the implementation of the famous DN3 plan.

This award was delivered on behalf of all our armed forces, Gen. Guillermo Galván Galván, who thereupon invited us to attend the official ceremony to pass review of all the forces that were to parade on Sept. 16 before the supreme commander and President of Mexico Lic. Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, to which we responded with a yes plurinominal taste.

The time is truly impressive, the march of drums and trumpets is attached a boom across the plaza, is a vocal front of hundreds of men combining with the sound of his boots in an accelerating pace, with iron discipline and unity without losing their quotas, are move to the top of the road which is located in front of our eyes to a few meters away, when the parade starts and the progress of individual soldiers, which are a clear example of loyalty and honor to their vocation.

Mexico's army, air force Mexican heroic military academy cadets, special forces assault, school of military engineers, doctors and nurses, military, infantry battalions, members presidential staff and most of which would be impossible to remember in this chronicle, parade one to one with us proudly wearing their diversity and colorful costumes, weapons wielded shiny well, hawks and eagles in the arms of our modern eagle knights etc., emotion is not left waiting, more than anyone here we inChina the skin of our body, to see such a display of military discipline and major rail, each contingent unison singing their own anthem accompanied by a exemplary military band that echoes the goals and values \u200b\u200bof each battalion.

also could not stop parade, a display of tanks, vehicles, and guns all keeping an exact distance and couples that preserves the order of the quota, the cavalry made a show of our soldiers who trained to be heirs of our roots and skills in charraría, are aided the animal to the most inhospitable places and difficult step in our Mexican mountains. Anyway ...

emotions while sitting in front of this machine are interwoven and make me remember the great gift that I received from my officials to make me part of this event, just a few days I sat in front of the microphones from family radio with our dear colleague Iris silky talking and giving my views on the value of patriotism so important these days, I received this dose and displays of affection to a country, a land, its people, its national symbols ... to Mexico by our military.

Patriotism, a word that has been diluted somewhat in our younger generations who are left in the vague sense of a goal of selecting and a wildness in the Angel of Independence together with a dose of vandalism and debauchery, is the value we can not and must stop pushing our children, teaching the history of the painful historical events, promoting our traditions and customs, without allowing the absence and suppression of our symbols and ceremonies in the courtyards of our schools. Mexico

believe in you, believe in the country that has made me see a free sky, in the country that forged with tears of blood a land of peace and hope, in a Mexico rich in values, resources and opportunities to get ahead of its crisis, it is true we have a long to see the ideals of our heroes, we need a good section to learn more about our democracy, we need more commitment to spread the wealth that only a few possess and banish forever the extreme poverty ... but true is that we believe can be achieved if each of us we put all of us to understand the value and shelter of our beautiful country of Mexico.

Viva Mexico and Mexicans live forever.

Entre Familia Soy Feliz