Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hole Throat Infection

logical blocks

Logical blocks

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Material developed by ZP Dienes, 48 consist of solid pieces, usually of wood or plastic
, and easy handling. Each piece is defined by four variables: color,
shape, size and thickness. In turn, each piece is assigned different values \u200b\u200b
: 
color: red, blue and yellow. 
shape: square, circle, triangle and rectangle. 
Size: large and small. 
Thickness: thick and thin.
Each block is different from the others in at least one of the features in two in
three or four.
logical blocks:
targets utility-Logic blocks are used to force children to a range of situations that allow access
to acquire certain mathematical concepts and contribute to the development
their logical thinking.
From the activity with the logic blocks, the child will: 
appoint and recognize each block
 Recognize each of its variables and values \u200b\u200b
classified according to a single criterion, such as the shape or size , then move
to consider several criteria at once.
setting blocks  Compare the similarities and differences.  Perform
serialisations following different rules.
 Establish the membership relation.  Define elements
Logical blocks are a great teaching resource in the kindergarten stage.
are infinite activities that can be done in the classroom through
logical blocks, and therefore, I will mention some of the activities that best meet the
children from my teaching experience.
1.  Building
free game, so become familiar with them.
 Draw the shape on paper. 
Simulation Games: shopkeepers, moms ...  Make
roads. 
symbolized objects: car, bike, ball ...
2. Presentation of the blocks one block
Dar partner and describe their characteristics as
four criteria: color, size, thickness and shape. If you are confused it is significant that another student is
which he never corrected the teacher, so that everyone learns.
3. Game
family group consists of considering only one criterion. For example the colors. First
the child to make a group and secondly that is the teacher who
group and ask for the test. In this way we will increase
criteria come into play depending on the level of the students.
hiding involves taking a piece and ask the student to indicate which one is currently
previously was. Working with children usually three to seven pieces.
5.  Roads
5.1. Is to make a road blocks and the child has to go through it
naming all the blocks. If you get confused you have to start over. 
5.2. Construct a road giving a criterion. Start with a domino style
piece and the next has to be related to a previous variable.
5.2.1. And made them the way you tell them what relationship each has with the previous
5.2.2. Build the road themselves and wonder among
colleagues to participate so that everyone, each by one and ask your partner
, speaking the teacher if necessary. 
5.3. Make roads without specifying any conditions.
serialisations consists in placing the pieces with a criterion and ask the student to tell you which is the criterion
and confirm the corresponding series. The criteria could be increased by assimilating
go, you must follow a logical progression, without sudden changes. From here the same year
we can take it back to paper. 
6.1. Open Series: When the information we need to put
can cover many possibilities. 
6.2. Closed set: when the information we need to put
only accepts a particular tab.
Memory Game Place the chip, without any criteria. Subsequently we remove one card and ask the child what is missing
. 
7.1. We can remove the card and leave the hole. 
7.2. Remove the tab by joining others in a non stop gap. 

3 7.3. They are the children who removed a piece and ask their colleagues
and will have to focus all both those who have to guess
as the departed to say if this or not.
house paint would be to develop on paper, cardboard, cork, different houses. For example
a small house and a big red yellow. The roof will house a triangle, two squares
facade and side patio in the shape of a rectangle.
would send the child placed on the corresponding block for which previous
where it requires the child to distinguish between large and small, red and yellow
. Need for the small house with a small triangle, two squares and a small rectangle color
red. And to require a large yellow triangle, two squares and a rectangle
large yellow. Similarly
could introduce new variables.
9. Set intersection
scattered blocks are placed on the board, ensuring that they are spaced.
propose two properties, such as circles and yellow. One of the children in charge of surrounding
circles, which can be done with white chalk and other
surround the yellow chalk of this color. They've got to find that there are
block belonging to a child and another, which are in the space between the crosses
of white and yellow lines because they have two properties, be
circles and be yellow.
snake is to draw a big snake and put it on the blackboard on the wall or in
the ground. The snake's body is divided and each partition will be a logical block
movable so that in some of the partitions will not put anything and according to the sequence
be the child who has to guess which piece will be in another panel will
to place.


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