Monday, May 16, 2011

Gay Cruising Parks Nyc

Yielding to public prominence

The Nissan Micra is a car that uses the space as well decided to give what was left of the banner so that people could sell your car. It was as simple as filling in the details of your car, miles and price and your tweet appeared in both the Micra's Twitter profile as in the banner.

Creativity agency Arab Emirates TBWA \\ RAAD, Dubai, gives new meaning to the banners, which many predict death.
With Ads of the World to show me.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Calgary Auto Auctions

How much you value your virtual life? You LinkedIn or Linkedout

Facebook Russian Roulette from Ilya on Malyanov Vimeo.
I never asked as I valued my virtual life, but now I know that I would play my Facebook profile to change to win 1 week in Russia.
Although it is tempting.
Very tempting.
I think a really cool action because both options are worth the trip and virtual life and also be able to do it with your friends and see how you lose ... Awesome idea of \u200b\u200bcreative school Miami Ad School Europe for Russian Standard Vodka .
Would you would play your virtual life to win a trip to Russia? Paul Carpenter
Thanks for show me.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stars Broken Capillaries

LinkedUit. VW Passat. from on Vimeo .

The Volkswagen Passat is a car company par excellence, so to announce the new model had to go to one of the business par excellence, LinkedIn. Also so far we have not seen any application that would work with this professional network profiles, so it was time for something new. Dutch agency Achtung created this fun action LinkedUit LinkedIn where you allowed to compare your profile with your contact and who had high score for their education, experience, contacts, recommendations ... was worthy of a Volkswagen Passat. It's a shame it is in Dutch, but the drawings more or less understood. Feel like your contacts to compete against the Volkswagen Passat? Thanks to Mind
Zurda by

Monday, May 9, 2011

Brown Discharge With Kidney Infection

You are also playing in this football match

're not just a spectator, not only live football from the stands or friends, now Heineken Star Player lets you play, bet whether they will put goal or not, how long will shoot, who will win and all of them on the fly to score points and be the most knowledgeable of football, of course with badget included. Sometimes brands understand that being a sponsor of the UEFAChampions League is more than just putting the logo, in this case Heineken offering evey us a new way of live football and sharing, always share with this simple iPhone App sale on itunes or from facebook. An idea of \u200b\u200bthe interactive agency AKQA
Thanks to the Internet Be More to show me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Endeavour Sailboat Diagram

Explode Your Creativity

Each technological innovation opens a new door to thousands of ideas. That's the most incredible moment. Every day we discover something new in its time was the Stop Motion and when we began to think that we had seen everything comes the Brazilian agency Loducca and joins ParanoidBR producer to make the music does not stop at the MTV . As each balloon
a frame, had to pop 10 balloons per second (600 balloons per minute) via laser properly aligned on a track of 200 meters.
What I like is that when they started to roll did not know how it would work, because it had no reference was ever made, but pushed for the innovation and tenacity to overcome all obstacles and all the balloons exploded. Thank
by Creative Creature show me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silver City Theater Ottawa

Create a new sport to promote a beer

the night and play football until now were enemies, until the agency was Ogilvy Argentina and created the Budweiser Poolball for a new sport among football pool and may be accompanied by a beer, so they do not have to run, nor is there antidopping control.

I like it because it mixes two worlds that have included women players. Vale and sexist beer ads. What do you think? Would you play the Poolball? It can be fun.
With Publicist's Corner by show me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Church Anniversary Purpose

The need for creativity

Unemployment continues to rise and CV is stacked in human resource departments, so the suitors have begun to find ways to highlight and provoke the interview.
We CV virtual reality, in fact it is virtually impossible for many people

CV QR code which although less powerful, fully accessible, as anyone can generate a QR code linke video to a paper and can be seen through a Smartphone.

QR CODE - Content-rich Resume from Victor petit on Vimeo .

Technology joins the desperation to create unique pieces. "It sharpens the need for ingenuity? And how is the creativity? With
ReadWritewe b by
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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring Break Wild Party

acute ear to the bird

A powerful image with a slight touch of humor and a head as clear as this: "Now on Twitter @ RSF_ES . The medium change, the truth remains. " The agency Saatchi & Saatchi , Spain returns us to the classic print advertising dramatically with this piece to Reporters Without Borders.
The print media has to change to survive, but I hope that journalists continue to be made on ... emphasize that we know what is really happening in the world and not what governments want to sell us.
With ChiquiAds by show me.