Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dragonball Doujinshi Bulma And Vegeta

clashes Troubleshooting is not easy, requires assertiveness

seems that the human being is a creature of habits and rituals, ie quecon easily get used to invariably repeat actions, structures, behaviors or patterns and usually show resistance with that change, since in many cases causes us fear.

But this fear is somewhat deny the reality of life.

then talk about the best way to resolve a conflict in any of Lasar Paraque where you play well you lead a peaceful life filled with peace and harmony with people around you. Decide to change non-assertive conduct personal and impersonal causes conflicts and human problems that we cause suffering or impidenmantener peace and inner harmony.

If in the course of your life you received your comportamientocomo person and as a group is not assertive, then it's time for a change. If we discovered that we have problems in our relations with a member of the family, classroom or work, this indicates that we should take control of our lives and make the decision to change.

The conflict arises precisely because no two people are alike, each of us is unique and unrepeatable, have different desires, feelings, interests, needs, values, goals and perceptions of reality. Everybody has a personal story and unique enough that a person just does not match in one aspect to the conflict immediately arises. Conflicts do not have a single solution, they have many, so we can say that there is no single method to solve them. Troubleshooting

conflict is a process that takes place during the whole life and we should not be bad when we were wrong. There are some ways to respond to conflict:

  1. a) Those who evade, even if you win I lose, I know there is a problem and do nothing to solve it.
  2. b) Coping: the formula again I lose you win. In this case people are not looking for trouble, schools usually do not have much to lose.
  3. c) A contrary position is one in which I win and you lose. In this scheme, in order to win is resorted to punishment, bribery, emotional blackmail or threats, attempts to manipulate the will of others in order to win.
  4. takes time

The result is also the isolation, rejection, mutual resentment to such a degree that persons viewing keeping a strong emotional pain and eventually discovered as enemies to be punished.
The solution to the conflict can never be founded on the cancellation of another person, they just built prisons in the psychological, emotional and social loser if the solution is not assertive.
You have to choose the way you consider best for your growth as a person, remember that violence, resentment and tensions rise and accumulate when we do not respond assertively to the conflict.
addition, if the conflict is not solved assertively opt for solutions inspired by the courage, disappointment, pain, hurt feelings, which normally produce restlessness, doubt, suspicion.

Remember, the solutions taken lightly or aggressively, powered by the instinctively or pain generally produce a loser yourself.

Troubleshooting Tips Tips

you may be very helpful when you present a conflict:

  • clearly define what you want and need.> Cooperate with the other person.
  • identify the needs and desires of others.> Search compromises acceptable to both.> Be willing to invest time and effort to reach solutions.
  • express willingness to cooperate and listen.
  • Promote an attitude of submission.
  • Try first to understand then to be understood.

  • Separating people from the problem.
Compiled: Ivanevsky

I'm Happy Family