Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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study habits.

When children start with school education is the right time for Parents initiate the formation of study habits at home. One of the most important lessons is learning to study.

Where and how to do it?


- The place of study can be your own room or a room in the house especially for the study.
- In the place of study should consider some elements Basic requirements: A desk or table size according to the size of the child, a chair and shelves to store their books and notebooks.
- The important thing is that this place is always the same, so that our children get used to this space and no additional distractions, every time you go to study or do homework.
- The study or tasks should be performed every day at about the same time and in respect of the same place, to establish a routine. In this way, children (children and young people) associate the time and place to consider the fact or do homework.
- If there are no school obligations, can sit at the appointed time in the same place to read or to investigate a topic of interest.
- Care to adopt the correct posture when sitting and to hold a pencil, pen and colors to make their activities.
- The location must be as silent as possible, away from TV, radio, telephone and other noises.
- Avoid distractions from friends, siblings or others.
- The location must have adequate ventilation and natural lighting. Ideally come from the left rear side of the table or desk.

  1. Before sitting down to study, children must prepare all the materials you will need, as books, pencils and eraser, to avoid wasting time looking for them every time they need and avoid stopping and distraction.
  2. children need to rest a short period of 10 to 20 minutes after lunch.
  3. If possible, do not leave to play with friends or watch television before performing their duties, it is difficult to interrupt to start the study.
  4. is preferable to change clothes and prepare their materials before beginning their school activities.
  5. is recommended that staff study periods did not exceed what does a normal class period, ie 45 to 90 minutes. If our children feel tired, it is best to discontinue the work, rest 15 to 20 minutes and then restarted.
  6. Parents should support children and youth in their work and study.
  7. This is not to carry out activities for them, but to answer your questions, help gather material or tell where to look. In addition, to help them organize their work, to hear comments about your reading or study and ask about this.
  8. tasks or study should be conducted without interruption. It is important to be consistent: if we evaluate the study, not be delayed or otherwise discontinued this activity.
  9. Ideally, children and parents are clear that the process is complete when the materials have been stored in the backpack, little by little we have to promote them this responsibility, taking care not to forget anything in the place where made and to avoid unnecessary distress to the school to bring all activities that day.
  10. At that time, and not before, you can go play or do something you will enjoy it.
  11. In children older than eight years, a timetable should be set in conjunction with young people to engage them and hold them accountable.
  12. not combine study with rewards or punishments, which will always be objective and not hurt our children.

    is important to us as parents to generate the motivation to learn more and join them with patience.
refund So, habits and give structure to your training!
Entre Familia Soy Feliz