Sunday, April 8, 2007

Bernardelli Gardone V.t

I want to know ....

What is UltraShape treatment?

by UltraShape Contour I device uses a technology
ultrasonic non-invasive, scientifically proven to
permanently delete unwanted subdermal fat.
whole process is guided by an innovative technology
ensuring a uniform result
and effective body molding.

A revolutionary new technology
in the world of beauty ....

But what is achieved with UltraShape?

Unlike surgical liposuction, ultrasonic waves eliminate
cells selectively fat from the chosen area,
s in damage nerves, blood vessels or the surrounding skin.
released by fat cells destroyed
is eliminated from the body through natural pathways.

ultrasonic liposuction without surgery ...

Who can benefit from tatamiento UlteraShape?

UltraShape treatment is useful to remodel the body
of women and men of normal weight or somewhat overweight,
showing localized fat accumulation.
is especially indicated in:

abdomen flanks (love handles)
inner and outer thighs (saddle bags)
buttocks crease
subglúteo (bananas)
pectoral region and for men
correct asymmetry or irregularity following liposuction.

eliminates those clusters
fat " problem" ...
and shapes the body shape ...

What is required to undergo treatment?

Prior to treatment is required a medical assessment
and information . basic analysis is required, sometimes
(based on patient profile)
analytics may be more complete,
and in some very specific cases may be necessary
an ultrasound of the area being treated.
The treatment area must have a minimum thickness of 2 inches of fat.

Confirm this is the candidate ideal ...

What is a session treatment?

The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis in the doctor's office.
After delimiting the area or areas to be treated, should be stretched in the comfortable
stretcher and relax while the program
UltraShape Contour I
and ultrasonic transducer passes through the area marked.
The session length varies from 1 to 2 hours, depending
extension of the area or areas to be treated.
During this time should move as little as possible,
is permitted to sleep!.

is easy ....

What I notice discomfort during treatment?

The treatment is completely painless.
not require anesthesia or surgical manipulation.
Some people may notice, sometime moment, a feeling of
perfectly tolerable local heat and causes no discomfort.

Only must
lie on the couch and enjoy a comfortable and painless experience ...

Are there any contraindications to treatment UltraShape?

Serious and unbalanced
(hepatic, renal, cardiac, etc.).

Hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia
(elevated cholesterol levels in blood triglycerides),
these changes must be corrected before treatment.

blood clotting disorders.
treatment with anticoagulants (Sintrom) or antiplatelet
(aspirin and the like) should be discontinued prior to treatment.

Exposure to herbicides, pesticides or organo phosphate.

Certain immune disorders, HIV or hepatitis positive.

cardiac pacemakers.

Certain skin diseases: dermatosis and dermatitis.
The existence of nevus (freckles, moles), and tattoo on the area treated, can condition treatment
according to density.

The existence of hernias, deep scars or prostheses in the treatment area.


Age less than 18 a.

If in doubt, the physician is the clarify ...

Does UltraShape treatment side effects?

No, you do not, there is no bruising or scarring.
The only side effects that have been referred in
multiple published clinical trials have been the appearance on rare occasions
erythema (redness) and even blistering,
disappeared within hours or days.

No significant side effects ...

What happens after treatment?

recovery is immediate and does not require the use of belts or pain.
end of the session can resume normal activities.

recovery is immediate, no pain, no scars ...

What about fat free?

After breaking the membrane of adipocytes, the fat in them
(triglycerides in 85%) via rabsorbida by capillary into the blood,
and subsequently to the liver, where be metabolized by the same mechanisms
the fat ingested with food.

tract is metabolized by natural ...

Should I continue any treatment after the session?

is important to follow a low calorie diet during the two or
FOLLOWING three weeks of each session
to facilitate the removal of fat.
The application of massage in the treated area will accelerate
evolution of the process.
is important not to forget the exercise.

A healthy lifestyle ...

What I can expect results?

After a session you can recognize some
reduction in volume, but the results become more apparent
daily as the body is eliminating the fat.
At three or four weeks of each session in the abdomen is
expected a mean reduction of 2 to 3 inches of
body circumference (one size)
with a homogeneous surface and a skin soft and smooth.

Fantastic ... In a few weeks and
can enjoy a new body ...

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions to make depend on the current volume,
the result obtained after each session and
the amount of fat you want to delete.
usually takes three sessions but sometimes
can achieve the desired result with fewer sessions.

You decide ...

How lose weight after treatment?

Unless advantage to make a diet and / or a change
in lifestyle (if needed)
UltraShape not lose weight.

UltraShape is not a treatment for weight loss,
is an alternative to surgical liposuction ...

What will the treatment cost?

UltraShape treatment is expensive but
to give maximum customer satisfaction at the best price.

Compare prices ....