Thursday, January 4, 2007

Wedding Welcoming Samples



"While men continue slaughtering animals, they kill each other. He who sows the crime and the pain can not reap joy and love "

"All species differ from each other, physically and functionally"

Why should stop animal testing:
Based on an animal model can faithfully reproduce human physiology, For over 100 years researchers dissection practice for experimental living.
Each year, 500 million people are raised, caught or stolen to be victims of our "human needs." However, humanity can not thank a single discovery or beneficial to vivisection. On the contrary, research on animals have delayed medical progress:
In the 50's, thalidomide caused severe birth or death to more than 12,000 children after being successfully tested in guinea pigs. Vivisection
No man would have gotten blood transfusion 200 years ago and today any important experiment in human transfusion practice in man.
Humanity has lost 10 years and billions of dollars wasted experiencing organ transplants in animals and finding solutions to rejection phenomena would never in humans.
Each year, over 500 substances (some fatal) were withdrawn from the market despite having successfully passed animal testing.


Similarly, a number of products effective against human leukemia are not effective against animal leukemia. The most common remedies used by men such as Aspirin, digitalis, penicillin, morphine or chloroform are harmful to animales.A Although vivisection, there's always a first time for a human.
This is vivisection and animal killer Maria Trinidad Herrero, that with all the gall and audacity had the courage to declare: "Gotta love a lot of animals to investigate them ....", these words were reflected in the newspaper The truth of Alicante, as it is said there are loves that kill, this individual has no shame to declare an animal lover, you have to see and hear.


To obtain approval Ministry of Health before being marketed any drug or cosmetic product has to go through a series of experiments in animals such as the Draize test consisting of instillation into the eye of a rabbit until they go blind or lethal dose test (LD 50) which is proven by how much is needed to kill half of the subjects or the most common toxicity test, which involves administering the product to the animal until it dies. ALL ARE TESTED ON ANIMALS. In addition, modern drugs tend to be "fried" that have been changed a small component to re-launch it as new and the same goes for cosmetics and household products. But to return to the market, these products will again go through the whole test series.


experiments only serve to keep active to an entire industry every year and repeated thousands of times around the world, they torture, usually without anesthesia and nursing: studies on radiation effects, chemical and explosives deprivation of sleep, food, light, etc., beating, squeezing, crushing, electrocution. Every possible variation of every imaginable painful manipulation has been carried out on this type of experiment, arguing that they are moral because, according to them, are useful for mankind.
But the experiment carried out with subjects under heavy stress, pain, fear and loneliness are not valid because, as happens in any disease psychosomatic components alter the body's reactions and distort the results.


Any illness is the result of a malfunction of the cell. Therefore, we must start there any investigation.
Today, disgusted by the inhuman system, but very profitable industry research pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries, many scientists usually associated with LIMAV have given up experimenting with animals and advocate replace alternative systems represent an investment that although the initial material, are more reliable and will be more profitable in the short term for human health:
cell cultures and cultures tissue studies provide very precise and allow us to observe phenomena of the human being.
mathematical models, computer simulations and audiovisual tools allow the investigation, and re-apply any theory torment without sentient beings to see the possible outcome.


The animals used in laboratories are not only rats and hamsters, but caught monkeys in the forests and sold illegally as it is forbidden to hunt them because 90% die during the transporte.Tampoco forget that most of these centers use animals from municipal kennels, breeding or supplied by crawlers that steal an estrous female walking into a van. Thousands of pets each year and disappear without their owners ever suspecting the terrible fate that espera.Debido the secrecy surrounding the laboratories, it is very difficult to unravel this monstrous traffic.

Avoid using cosmetics and other products tested on animals. The brands that we do identify their packaging. Questions and learn. Ask experienced products for stores to take them into account.
If you are a student, refuse to participate in acts of vivisection. Be conscientious objector and increase your position. Do not hesitate to call the media and associations.
Write letters to the laboratories and industries requiring them to use alternative methods to investigate d experimentation and new humane methods. Requests
kennels and shelters in your area they will tell you if donating animals to laboratories, hospitals or schools. If you find that yes, written protest and spread the news (family, friends, study center, media, associations, etc.). Learn
reading on the subject discovering the big lies about which modern science has built a bloody dogma. Supporters of vivisection advocate apparently logical criteria that can leave you with no arguments.
Support groups fighting against the useless and cruel practice of animal testing, sign petitions, write to the media or participate in demonstrations. Anything before falling silent.

You can have the last word
Help to this barbarism stops,
The animals now have a voice ...
Examples of Experiments
Test of carcinogens

Supposedly this test is used to identify substances that can cause cancer in humans. However, animals react differently from humans, so that, while arsenic causes cancer in humans, it does in rats and mice. Benzene is another example, causes cancer in humans but not mice.
Draize Test (Eye Irritation)

A substance is poured into the eyes of albino rabbits for a period of several days, during which the cornea, iris and connective tissue are examined for signs of opacity, ulceration, bleeding, redness, swelling or discharge. As a rule does not provide any sort of pain reliever. This experiment has been convicted, it does not produce reliable results.
teratogenicity test

test This is a substance in pregnant female animals to see if birth defects occur. The drug Thalidomide caused birth defects in guinea pigs, rats or mice. However, it has very serious consequences if administered a pregnant woman. In fact, 10,000 children were disabled and / or malformed when his mother was prescribed thalidomide during pregnancy. Test

LD50 stands for Lethal Dose Test ("Lethal Dose Test") and requires provision of oral doses in the animal (usually through a tube inserted in his throat) or through injections, forced inhalation or dermal application. Usually used mice, rats, rabbits, poultry or fish, but also have used cats, dogs and monkeys. This test takes up to two weeks (if the animals died following such date). In these animals, scientists are studying seizures tears, diarrhea, shock and bleeding from the eyes and mouth. One of the typical symptoms in animals who are suffering and dying is unusual vocalization.
Test Skin Irritation

given substance is applied on the skin of the animal, but there are considerable variations depending on the species. The biggest differences are found in substances that produce skin irritation. For example, an anti-dandruff shampoo caused severe irritation in rabbits, a slight irritation in human volunteers and virtually no irritation in baboons.

Avoid at all costs consume the following products and brands and
can help stop this torture and more effective use alternative means to test cosmetics, cleaning products and beauty products the degree of medical experimentation on animals is only 15%, 75% is used in military experiments, toxicity tests on beauty products as hair dyes, shampoos, body lotions, makeup, tanning and products cleaning at home,
find out, surely you have a pet that you love and you would not want a situation happen
as presented here, animals are sentient beings like you and me or maybe you have not realized the joy that you give your dog or your cat to see you coming home ?.... they feel, so do not cooperate to this will keep happening.

then known products are experienced in their laboratories with animals:
Ace, Acuvue, Airwick, Ajax, Alberto-Culver (3M), Ambre Solaire, Antica Erboristeria, Anubis, Ariel, Avena, Axe, BarbaraGould, Bausch & Lomb, Beauty Control Cosmetics Benckiser, Bic, Bien Etre, Binaca, Biotherm, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cacharel, Cadey, Cadonett, Calvin Klein, Carefree, Carter Wallace, Cheesebrough-Ponds, Church & Dwight Ciba-Geigy, Clairol, Clearasil, Clearastick, Clinique, Clorox, Close-up, Colgate, Colgate-Palmolive, Coppertone, Coral Vajilla, Courreges, Cover Girl, Cutex, Denim, Dolce & Gabbana, Maestro Limpio , Dove, Eau Jeune EcoLab, Edge, Elida Gibb EliLilly & Co, Elizabeth Arden, Fabergé (Unilever), Fairy, Fendi, Fidia, Finesse Garnier Gemey-Ricils, General Motors, Germaine Monteil, Gillette, Giorgio Armani, Giorgio Beverly Hills, Glassex, Gloria Vanderbilt, Goldys, Guy Laroche, H & S, Hanorah, Harriet Hubbard Ayer, Harpic, Helena Rubinstein Helene Curtis, Hill's Pet, Hoffman-LaRoche, Hugo Boss, Impulso, Isdin, Jacques Fath, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson Wax, Juvena, Karl Lagerfeld, Kik, Kimberly-Clark, Kleenex, Klorane, La Biostique, Lab. Esteve, Laguerfeld (Unilever), Lancaster, Laura Biagiotti, Lenor, L'oreal, Lux (Unilever), Maurice Messegue, Max Factor, Mennen, Mixa, Mum, N.A.S.A. Narta, Natural Glow, Nenuco, Netol, Neutro Balance, Neutrogena, Nina Ricci, O.B.A.O., O'Cedar, Oil of Olay, Old Spice, Olga Tschechowa, Orlane, Palmolive, Paloma Picasso, Panténe, Pato WC, Patrick's, Phas, Physicians Formula Cosmetics, Piaubert, Pierre Balmain, Pierre Fabre, Piz Buin, Playtex, Pond's, Post-it Procter & Gamble, Profiden, Pronto, Raid, Ralph Lauren, Ray-Ban, Reckitt & Colman, Rexona, Roc, Sandoz, Scad, Schwartzkopf, Scotch, Scotch Brite, Scott(papel), Sensodyne, Shiseido, Shishido, Signal, Sisley, SmithKline Beecham, Squibb, Studio Line, Super Ween, Tacto, Tampones ob, Timotei, Toke, Vaseline, Vasenol,Veet, Vichy, Vicks, Vidal Sassoon, Vividop, Wizard, Woolite, Xanpa, Yves Saint Laurent.